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insights and answers to our probing
Traditionally I think it’s fair to say that
people used to comment that bean-to-
cup machines lacked a little theatre
and that consumers would want the
full hands-on experience when paying
premium prices for speciality style
coffee - I use ‘style’ as I appreciate not
all outlets serve the highest graded
coffees but may convey that top level
In 1985, Saeco claimed to have
invented the bean-to-cup coffee
machine. The world suddenly could
bean to cup
press a single button for fresh, bespoke
cappuccinos from a modern machine ......people used to
with both built-in grinders and an comment that
automated milk foaming system.
Here we are now, almost forty years
later, with automation a key buzzword machines lacked a
in our sector, so what has changed in little theatre.......
this time? Let’s explore the vast scope
of this range of equipment, understand
the technology driving new user
benefits, and try to highlight how to
access this sector.
Many things have both challenged and
There’s a danger that we oversimplify changed this original view. Firstly, we’ve
what is a complex and vast set of had chains like Starbucks using
equipment solutions, but let’s start with automation for years, also Pret, and
a definition that bean to cup is a now newer high-end outlets like Blank
machine that allows the user to Street proudly using the top of
produce a variety of milk-based coffee therange in ‘super-automatic ‘coffee
shop-style beverages with the push of equipment.
one button. It gets a bit more complex,
but this is a good starting point, and Also, our sector is facing huge
like all markets, this is certainly the recruitment challenges-both in finding
entry point. and funding baristas. So now, using MARCH/APRIL. 2024 | ISSUE 35
technology that either widens the
We’re going to explore input from four recruitment net to coffee ‘virgins’ or
manufacturers who have been kind reduces the labour cost itself, is most
enough to engage in our article sharing welcome.