Page 26 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 26

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

           •  This is a simple method but is limited to those articles that can be heated to redness
              in flame.

           •  Examples: bacteriological loops and tips of forceps

              2.  Flaming

            •  Passing the article through Bunsen burner without heating to redness.

            •  Examples: Glass slides, cover slips, Scalpels, Mouth of culture tubes

              3.  Incineration

            •  Heating in Furnace at 800˚C to 6500˚C.

            •  Oxidizes the cell components to ashes or gas.

            •  results in the loss of the article so, suitable only for those articles that have
               to be disposed.

            •  Due to the high temperatures used, incineration is able to sterilize objects in just a
               few seconds to minutes.

            •  Uses: the preferred method for disposing of

                     -  medical wastes

                     -  animal carcasses contaminated with
                        infectious agents (Anthrax, Bird flu).

            •  Hot air Oven
            •  This is the main method of sterilization by dry heat.

            •   The device is thermostatically controlled and electrically heated.

            •  Hot air ovens use high temperatures over several hours to destroy microorganisms
               and bacterial spores.

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