Page 31 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 31
Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program Third Level Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)
an autoclave which is a container that can withstand high
pressure and temperature
Sterilization usually involves the use of steam at temperatures
in the range 121 – 134 ° C,
The four parameters associated with steam sterilization are
➢ The autoclave is filled with the products and devices that need to be sterilized.
➢ The product or device comes into direct contact with steam at high
temperature and pressure for a specified period of time.
➢ Pressure serves as a means to obtain the high temperatures necessary to
quickly kill microorganisms.
➢ Moist heat destroys microorganisms by the irreversible coagulation and
denaturation of enzymes and structural proteins.
➢ After the required time has passed, the steam is released, and the sterilized
objects are removed.
Why is the air removed?
– The mixture of steam with air results in lower temperature
being achieved at the chosen pressure
– Air pockets
– No condensation or latent heat transfer
– Incomplete and patchy sterilization