Page 29 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 29

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

              •  Pasteurization extends the shelf life of a product and reduces the level of pathogens
                  in the product.

              •  UHT milk, if not opened, has a typical unrefrigerated shelf life of six
                  to nine months.

                      •  Pasteurization is not a method of sterilization.

                                • Vaccines of non-sporing bacteria are also sterilized by heating
                                    at 60°C for 1 hour in special water baths

                                •   Serum and body fluids with coagulable proteins are also
                                    sterilized at 56°C for 1 hour in water baths.

                2-  At temperature 100˚C

              Boiling at  100°C is a  moist heat  technique that  isn’t recommended for  complete
              sterility but used for disinfection.

               •  Holding period 10-30 min.
               •  The lid of the boiler must not be opened during the
               •  The killing activity can be enhanced by addition of 2%
                   sodium bicarbonate.

               •  Used  for  disinfecting  Baby’s  Feeding  Bottle,
                   drinking  water  relatively  safer  for  human

               •  Boiling at 100°C kills the vegetative cells is a sure means of disinfection (not

              Tyndallization (intermittent sterilization)

               -  A process from the nineteenth century for sterilizing substances
               -  consists of heating the substance to boiling point (or just a little below boiling
                   point) for 15-30 minutes, three successive days.

                •  A method of sterilization that kills both microorganisms and their endospores.

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