Page 28 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 28

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                      •  They do not require water and there is not much pressure build up within
                         the oven, unlike an autoclave, making them safer to work with.

                      •  They are much smaller than autoclaves but still as efficacious.

            •  Disadvantages of hot air oven

                      •  Many objects cannot withstand the very high temperatures required for dry
                         heat sterilization (ex: plastics and rubber would melt)

                      •  It is relatively slow and takes longer time than steam sterilization.

                                                      B- Moist heat

              Mechanism  of  destruction  of  microorganisms:  Kills  by  protein  coagulation

                1-  At temperature below 100˚C


                  a  brief heat treatment to reduce the number of spoilage organisms so they are
                  unlikely to cause disease

              •  Used in milk industry, wineries

              •  These processes will destroy the non-spore forming pathogens such as Salmonella,
                  Mycobacterium, Brucella abortus that may be found in milk

              •  Heating  and  cooling  times  and  temperatures  vary  according  to  the  type  of
                  pasteurization process being used

              •  3 type of pasteurization process

                          Holder method                    Flash method
                       low-temperature long            high-temperature short         Ultrahigh temperature
                            time (LTLT)                    time (HTST)                        (UHT)

                     • 62°C for 30 minutes           • 72°C for        15 seconds    • 140°C for 1-2 second

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