Page 76 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 76

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                  Finished product testing

                  The microbial tests used for finished product testing are

                      ➢  sterility

                      ➢  bacterial endotoxin test (Pyrogen test)

                  Sterility tests

                  Sterility tests are conducted by the following methods:

                  A. Direct inoculation (immersion)

                  performed by directly inoculating the test article into 2 distinct kinds of media
                  that help the development and growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria,

                  respectively. Test articles are incubated for 14 days followed by testing for
                  microbial contaminants

                  Membrane filtration method

                  By filtering the sample aseptically through a
                  membrane filter (pore size usually 0.45 µm ), then cut
                  into 2 halves, inoculate each on appropriate culture

                  Application of sterility test to some dosage forms

                   Aqueous              Small volume: direct inoculation
                   solutions            large volume: membrane filtration
                   Soluble solids       dissolve in a suitable solvent that is sterile and      has
                                        no antimicrobial activity.

                   product              suitable portions (2-5%) should be transferred to fresh
                   produces             media after 14 days, and incubated for a further 7 days
                   flocculation or
                   deposit in
                   Oils and oily        Oils of low viscosity are filtered directly via a dry
                   solutions            membrane filter

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