Page 77 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 77

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                                        Viscous oils are diluted first with suitable sterile
                   Ointments and           o  dilute with a suitable diluent that is sterile and
                   creams                      has no antimicrobial activity.
                                           o  Add a suitable emulsifying agent to the media in
                                               case of using direct inoculation method.

                   antimicrobial        Inactivation of antimicrobial agents can be carried out
                   agents               either by
                                           •  Dilution of the preparation to less than MIC

                                           •  Addition of inactivating agent
                                           ➢  e.g. inactivation of sodium benzyl penicillin by
                                                 penicillinase solution.
                                           ➢  Inactivation of sulphathiazole by addition of
                                               0.005% para-amino benzoic acid.

                  Pyrogen testing

                  •  Bacterial       endotoxin,      lipopolysaccharide         (LPS),     is    a     fever-

                         producing by-product of Gram-negative bacteria commonly   known as

                  •  Bacterial cells may be pyrogenic even when they are dead and so a solution or

                      material that passes a test for sterility will not necessarily pass a pyrogen test

                      1- Biological test (Rabbit pyrogen test)

                  Using group of 3 rabbits (healthy, mature, same size and sex)


                 -  Withheld food in the day of experiment.

                 -  Record the initial temperature of the rabbits.

                 -  Any rabbit exhibiting temperature more than
                     39 should be excluded.

                 -  Inject the sample into the ear vein of each rabbit.

                 -  Measure the temperature after 30 min, 1, 2, 3 hrs.

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