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                                                                                                OGRAPHER  Lisa K Miller

                                                                                                 Photography by Lisa K
                                                                                                  Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
       Robert Tussey        Shelli Chosak, Ph.D.  Cynthia Woods                                   phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
                                                                                                  studio located in Rancho
        Robert has been a   Shelli has been active in the    Cynthia has written several          Penasquitos, specializing in
                                                articles for local publications and
        published writer for over   field of Organizational Consult-  is currently working on her first   the highest quality portraiture.
                            ing and Psychotherapy for the
        thirty years and has been               novel. She has a master's degree                  As the mother of twins, Lisa
        providing editing services   past 25 years, and holds a   in education from CSUSM and is   shines at capturing moments in
                            Ph.D. in Organizational Psy-
        for the past twenty-five.  As           the mother of three sons.                         pregnancy and early life. She
        a musician he has written   chology. She has been listed                                T  shares her talents with many
        scores of songs.  His life   in Who’s Who in America,                                     local charities by volunteering
                            and Who’s Who in American
        has revolved around his                                                                   her  photographic services.
        music and writing, often   Women                                                        HO
        melding the two into articles
        and interviews.

                            Robin Dohrn-Simpson                                                                        San Diego  Woman
                            Robin is a freelance writer
                            living in San Diego. She
       Rob Weinberg         has had her travel articles
                            published online in e-
                            zines. When not sitting at
       Rob is president of The   her desk she can usually
       MarketBuilding Team, has   be found exploring the
       written two books on mar-  corners of San Diego. Her
       keting, and authors a free   passions include writing,
       marketing advice column   going on adventures and
       called Ask Mr. Marketing.   scrapbooking.
       You can subscribe to his
       free marketing newsletter at

                                                                                         Now find us on:

                            Jaime V. Habert
        Nichol Kirkland     Jaime Habert is a local
                            college student and music
       Nichol is a freelance writer and   enthusiast with a flair for
       native of San Diego. Her travel   the creative world. She                
       and health articles can be   crosses the lines of stylist,
       found on the web at ehow and   photographer, and editor Nichol has a   for our publication and does
       bachelor’s degree in Psychol-  so flawlessly. She looks
       ogy and a master’s of science   forward to her career in the
       in Neurobiology. When Nichol   music industry in the years
       is not writing, she is an active   to come.                           
       member of her church, loves
       to travel, read, and cook for
       friends and family.
                                                       September/October 2010
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