Page 12 - Megan Reichman
P. 12

Worst Date Ever

                                                                                                                                          By Nichol Kirkland

     Dating was never a really big area of my life during high school   had been closed (or more likely condemned) as there were only
     and college.  Being a quintessential nerd, I was more comfortable   two cars in the parking lot and the windows of the building were
     in lecture halls and cafe poetry readings, than sitting across from   so grimy you could hardly even tell the lights were on in the dining
     someone trying to explain my whole life story in the span of an   room.  When Todd pulled into the parking lot hesitantly I got out of
     evening.  I was in graduate school when I went on my first date.    my car.  I asked him if we had the right address, and he said that
     My friends decided for me that it was time to start dating and   we did. I then asked him when was the last time he had eaten at
     talked me into making a profile on a popular internet dating site.    the place.  When he told me he had just been there last week, I
     I was unenthusiastic but I played along.  About two months into   knew I was in for an interesting experience - to say the least.  But
     this little experiment I met a man that seemed interesting.  We   coming from California I know that the best Mexican food can be
     talked online for about a week and decided to meet at a local   found in small holes in the wall so I was willing to give the place
     karaoke bar.                                            the benefit of the doubt.
            Before the date my friends warned me that the picture      I realize now that I should have insisted that we head
     on a profile never looked anything                                        to the IHOP down the street. The cracked
     like the real person so I shouldn’t                                        linoleum floor was covered with dried food
     be surprised if some aspects of                                            and dirt, the tables were chipped and fall-
     his appearance didn’t add up.  So                                          ing apart, and the vinyl booths had large
     when I met Todd I wasn’t com-                                              tears in the seats and a thick greasy film on
     pletely astounded when he was                                              them.  When I pointed out the greasy film,
     closer to 5’8 than 6’1 as it said in                                       Todd assured me that it was actually the
     his profile, or that his statement                                         cleaning product they used to sanitize the
     of athletic build was probably                                             seats.  Hesitantly I sat down and pried apart
     something from his high school                                             a sticky laminated menu.   It was indeed
     days and had long since went the                                           soul food, and the staff was very friendly
     way of the Dodo, or the fact that                                          and seemed to know Todd by name. Just
     his long hair was now a buzz cut.                                          as I was starting to relax and decide what
 12  It did however; make me wonder                                             I wanted to eat I started to feel a tingle
     if my picture was that misleading.                                         down my spine, a tingle that turned into a
            We sat at the bar and                                               persistent itch.  Trying to scratch my back
     made small talk over the off key                                           discreetly I squirmed slightly on my side
     sounds of Shania Twain and Bon                                             of the booth while I perused the menu, but
     Jovi coming from the stage area.                                           nothing helped so I excused myself to go
     He asked me if I sang, and when                                            to the restroom and see what was going
     I told him that I couldn’t hold a                                          on.  As I lifted the back of my shirt that was
     tune in a bucket he laughed as he                                          now slightly damp from the slimy seats and
     put his name in to sing.    When                                           looked in the mirror I saw that my entire
     his name was called and the                                                back was covered in large bright red hives!
     music began my jaw dropped as                                              Within fifteen minutes I had hives all over
     he started singing an old Beasty                                           my body.
     Boys song and trying to break                                                 Mortified I walked back over to the ta-
     dance at the same time, which                                              ble.  I had no idea what to say.  I was in ut-
     led to him running into the DJ and                                         ter misery and I could feel the rash spread-
     almost falling off the stage.  When                                        ing to my neck and knew it would be on my
     people started laughing hysteri-                                           face in moments.  Embarrassed and a more
     cally and asking me if I was with                                          than a little irritated, I told Todd that I was
     “that clown” my first inclination was to quietly get up and run for   going to have to cut the evening short.  From the horrific look on
     the nearest exit.                                       his face I knew that the rash must be showing.  I thanked him for
            When the song finally finished he came back to the bar   the evening and quickly ran to my car to hit the all night pharmacy
     red faced and breathing hard, his eyes sparkling as he asked   for some calamine lotion.  I never saw Todd after that fateful night,
     me what I thought of his performance. He proclaimed loudly to   but from the interesting song and dance he performed and the
     the whole room that he was known for his mad skills as a break   diner he thought was the best in town, it was pretty obvious that
     dancer. All I could do was smile and nod slightly, trying not to   we wouldn’t have hit it off.  The rash lasted a full week, causing
     laugh or cry as my mother’s voice played in my mind, “If you can’t   me to wear long sleeved shirts and jeans to work every day in the
     say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all”.  middle of summer.
            After paying for our drinks we decided to get a bite to eat.       Needless to say, my first date didn’t go very well. On the
     At this point I would have said almost anything to get away from   up side my friends felt so guilty when seeing me the following day
     the snide stares and loud whispers.  He told me that he knew of a   with huge red splotches on my face, they never butted into my
     great restaurant nearby that made the best soul food in town.  He   love life again. Since then I have met several nice men and have
     gave me the address and we were on our way.  When I pulled up   had a few successes in the dating world.  But I will always remem-
     in front of the dilapidated building, at first I thought the restaurant   ber the horror of that very first date.
                                                  September/October 2010
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