Page 14 - Megan Reichman
P. 14

Megan Reichman

                 Bringing a World of Flavors to San Diego                            By Judith A. Habert

                                                                                     Photography by Lisa K. Miller

     When I asked Megan Reichman what her favorite dish was,   at your table are almost too pretty to eat.  Megan’s education
     there was no hesitation,  “Grilled Cheese” she admitted,   at Johnson & Wales included a coveted place on their five
     surely an unlikely choice for the executive chef at one of the   member Culinary Team, which traveled across the country
     top restaurants in San Diego, but true nonetheless.     and to Canada competing in Culinary events.
     Megan’s sly smile made
     me laugh when she                                                                            Megan never
     admitted to her guilty                                                                       hesitated when
     pleasure.  Megan is                                                                          deciding upon a
     the executive Chef at                                                                        career choice. “I
     Baleen’s Restaurant,                                                                         never aspired to be
     the onsite fine dining                                                                       a ballerina or any
     restaurant at Paradise                                                                       other ‘girlie’ type
     Point Resort.  If you                                                                        career.”  Once she
     have not already dined                                                                       was tall enough to
     at this restaurant, you                                                                      reach the counter,
     have no idea what you                                                                        Megan began ex-
     are missing.  The menu                                                                       ploring her love of
     is varied and includes                                                                       cooking.  As a   fifth
     delectable seafood                                                                           grader in Massa-
     dishes, hearty steak,                                                                        chusetts she was
     lamb, and pork entrees                                                                       given an assign-
     and pasta dishes to die                                                                      ment to write an
     for.  And let’s not forget                                                                   essay on what she
 14 the desserts.  Megan                                                                          wanted to be when
     is at the core of the                                                                        she grew up.  This
     artistry at Baleen.  She                                                                     was an easy task
     personally oversees ev-                                                                      since she knew
     ery dish that leaves the                                                                     that she wanted to
     kitchen, and all fresh                                                                       be a chef; during
     desserts are baked                                                                           this assignment
     onsite.                                                                                      she discovered
     Since Baleen happens                                                                         Johnson & Wales
     to be one of my favor-                                                                       and from then on
     ite restaurants in San                                                                       she not only knew
     Diego I have become                                                                          what she wanted to
     well acquainted with                                                                         do, but where she
     their menu, and the                                                                          would go to perfect
     incredible service you                                                                       her skills. “My time
     are guaranteed to                                                                            spent at Johnson
     receive during every                                                                         & Wales involved
     visit.  It was an added                                                                      only improving
     pleasure to spend some                                                                       my culinary skills,
     time getting to know                                                                         there were no core
     Megan Reichman, the                                                                          courses to get in
     woman behind the                                                                             the way.  It is an
     masterpieces that came                                                                       institution that fully
     to my table.  Megan is                                                                       prepares its gradu-
     a graduate of Johnson                                                                        ate to succeed as
     & Wales in Providence,                                                                       a chef or within
     Rhode Island, the renowned culinary institute where she   whatever area of culinary arts they choose.”  Upon gradua-
     received her culinary Associates,  Bachelors in food and   tion Megan was focused on where she wanted her career to
     beverage, and a Masters degree in Hospitality Administra-  go.  “When I graduated I had two goals; I wanted to work in
     tion.  The education she received  is obvious from the quality   an area that was extremely large and I wanted to work on an
     of her dishes and their artful presentation:  Dishes that arrive   island.”
                                                September/October 2010
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