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Woman of Distinction
A Journey of Healing with Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat
By Judith A Habert
I had heard much about Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, so when without books, if the government deemed it necessary. In
I was invited to visit her retreat I thought, what better way Haiti, Dr Carolle was brought up in a caste system where
to meet the much talked about Doctor than in her own women were considered second class citizens. Thankfully,
natural surroundings. What I found was a beautiful, insight- she grew up in a family that taught her at a very young age
ful, and intelligent woman with a passion to help women that she could achieve whatever she set out to do. The
find themselves and cure what pains them the most. Dr. support from her family led her to strive to be the best she
Carolle (as friends and colleagues call her) is a board- could be. She decided that she would gain as much educa-
certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and a Fellow of the tion as she could. She would not let the poverty she grew
American College of Obstetricians up in impact her future. She would
and Gynecologists. From 1982 to break free, and make a difference
2005, Dr Carolle had a successful with her life. At the age of nine she
practice in San Diego, but she real- became ill, and only due to the caring
ized that something was not right in of her paternal grandfather, a well
her practice: She decided that the known indigenous healer, was she
constraints placed upon her by the brought back to health. This made
medical profession were contradic- her decide that medicine would be
tory to her philosophy for treating her calling, and her way of making a
her patients: Where traditional better life for herself and those she
medical clinics provided ten minute could help.
visits per patient, Dr. Carolle be- In 1993, Dr. Carolle founded Health
lieved that she could not sufficiently through Communications Foundation
get to know her patients in such a (HTCF), a nonprofit organization, and
short amount of time. She believed its prodigy the Angels for Haiti Proj- San Diego
that you were doing a disservice to ects in 1999. In that year Dr. Carolle Woman
your patients if all you did was treat joined her role model, Dr. Charles
the symptom for which they came Rene, a Haitian-born obstetrician and
to your office. The symptoms were gynecologist, on a trip to Haiti along 9
often the result of a much deeper with a group of educators and health
problem, and it was virtually impos- care providers to donate free medical
sible to discover this in a 10 minute care to the poverty stricken country.
office visit. So Dr. Carolle did what Since the devastating earthquake
few other physicians have done, Dr Carolle has made several trips to
after years of intensive medical Haiti donating her time and medi-
training, she walked away from a cal knowledge to help rebuild her
lucrative practice to follow her heart. distressed homeland. Dr. Carolle is
Today Dr. Carolle brings women to the Earthquake Disaster Fundraising
her serene retreat nestled on a hillside Coordinator for Bizoton, Jeremie, St.
in San Diego, to help them find themselves and dig away at Louis du Nord, Fondwa, Leogane, & La Vallee de Jacmel,
the layers of issues that are literally making them ill. Years Haiti
earlier in a conversation with her Dad, Dr. Carolle asked
him what he thought it was that she did for her patients. His Dr. Carolle now serves women in the San Diego area by
answer was simple and one that resonates with her even helping them to get to the root of what is causing them
today. Her Dad told her that the best thing she could do for pain. If you are searching for answers, feel ill or just can’t
her patients was to “be a Mirror” so they could look through figure out how to move your life in a positive direction, your
it to find what was at the core of their problems. Dr. Carolle answer may be to spend some time with Dr. Carolle at the
does this in her every day practice. Dr. Carolle Wellness & Retreat Center for Women of San
Aside from the care and guidance she provides through her Diego. The current services she offers her patients include,
intuitive gifts, Dr. Carolle has another cause that is close to intuitive medical, gynecological, surgical second opinions,
her heart. Having been born and raised in Port-au-Prince, life transition decisions with clarity consultations (by tele-
the capital of Haiti, Dr. Carolle grew up with little money and phone & in person), plus healing seminars and customized
often had to go to bed hungry. The political climate was retreats for women.
rough and children were often forced to miss school and go Visit or call 610-850-5030.
September/October 2010