Page 8 - Megan Reichman
P. 8

Letters to theEditor

     Your article on Senior Women of Distinction was great.  It’s   I love your new column “Worst Date Ever,”  It made me laugh
     about time that senior citizens get the recognition they   and also made me think about my worst date ever.  I am so
     deserve.                                                relieved to be an old married lady now and not have to deal
     Margi  from Rancho Bernardo                             with those awful dates.
                                                             Mary from Point Loma
     It was so nice to hear from Carol LeBeau again.  We miss
     her so much since she left Channel 10.  For so many years I   I love Anthology.  It is one of my favorite “night out” spots in
     felt as if she was a part of our family, since she came into our  San Diego.  Reading the story about Marsha Berkson was
     living room every evening.  Since so many women are facing   great.  After reading the article I told my husband we had
     a life changing transition as Carol did, I found her article in-  to go back there, so we did and it was even better than I
     sightful and humorous.  Thanks for bringing our Carol back!  remembered.
     Mary from San Diego                                     Lucille from San Diego
     Hurray for the Girl Scouts!  It was nice seeing some recog-  Your Bitchin & Moaning article was so funny.  My kids are
     nition go to such a great organization.  My daughters were   exactly the same when it comes to the remote.  The article
     always involved in the organization and they grew up to be   really made me chuckle.  Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!
     marvelous young women.                                  Rose from Encinitas
     Lisa from Coronado

     Thanks for the information on selecting a diamond.  My boy-
     friend and I are about to get engaged so I gave him the
     article to read before he makes his purchase.  Thanks
     San Diego Woman for this valuable information.
 8   Sandra from Poway
     I never thought about who it was behind those great
     structures in Legoland.  Getting to meet one of the art-
     ists through your article was so interesting.                  L I F E S T Y L E   C A R D
     Julie from Del Mar
                                                                     A Woman’s Best Kept Secret
     Congratulations to your Creative Director Sonali on her
     beautiful baby boy.  He is so precious.
     Lori from San Diego                                                                50% OFF

      It is nice to see the women of the military recognized                           MEMBERSHIP for San
     for the sacrifices they make to protect and serve our                              Diego Woman Readers
     country.  Thank you Tracey, for your dedication to our
     country.                                                                          Save 50% on your REJUV Membership!
                                                                                        To save, visit
     Jennie from Pacific Beach                                                          and enter the promo code “sdwoman”
                                                                                          at checkout to receive $125 off
                                                                                         regular annual membership price.
     Your article on the Halo Breast Pap Test was so enlight-
     ening.  There is a history of Breast Cancer in my family,
     and it is nice to know that there is a new safe screen-    15-20% OFF or More on Services
     ing method to help with early detection.  I have already   Provided by Premier Beauty Professionals.
     called one of the doctors listed in your article to sched-
     ule an appointment.  You have done a great service to      Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Medical Services
     San Diego Women.                                              Cosmetic Dentistry and Laser Eye Surgery
     Lisa from Solana Beach                                         Dermatologists and Skin Care Services
                                                                         Hair, Nail and Spa Services
     Jennifer Johnson’s articles are always so informative.  I   Find us on Facebook -
     made my two girls read it so they could be sure to pro-
     tect themselves while they are away at college.  Thanks             1866-REJUVCARD
     for helping to protect our most precious cargo.
     Linda from Leucadia

                                             September/October 2010
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