Page 11 - Megan Reichman
P. 11

The Friends Of San Pasqual Academy
       One of the charities we came across in our travels is the Friends   at the
       of San Pasqual Academy, a non-profit organization formed in 2003   Academy
       to help assist foster teens of San Diego County in their goal to   as they
       become confident and productive members of society.     pre-
       San Pasqual academy was created due to a severe shortage   pare for
       of foster homes in San Diego County. With thousands of foster   college
       children needing a stable consistent environment to develop aca-  and/or
       demically and emotionally, the need for the Academy was evident.    a career
       Sadly, the average foster teen will have attended 5 different high   path.
       schools before the end of his or her sophomore year.  With this   Even
       being the norm, often they become introverted, unwilling to form   with all
       friendships in the fear that they will soon be torn out of their current   they
       environment and placed in another new school, only to have to start   have to
       once again.  They cannot participate in school events, because   provide
       they are not in any one school long enough to become involved.    to their students there are still needs that are not met.  The Friends
       San Pasqual Academy is the first of its kind in the nation and   of San Pasqual Academy help to bridge the gap by providing
       opened its doors to twenty foster children in September 2001. This   needed supplies and helping to assure that the student get to have
       school is located in Escondido, near the Wild Animal Park.  The   a “real” high school experience.  If you would like to help visit their
       238-acre campus features individual family-style homes, an on-site,   website at  to
       accredited high school, a computer for each youth in the homes, a   make a donation to the Friends of San Pasqual Academy.
       cafeteria, a technology and career information center, an assembly
       hall, recreation fields, and a swimming pool. Teens live and learn

        Fresh Start has truly changed the lives of thousands of children
        in San Diego, and they continue to do so every day.  Fresh Start
        helps transform the lives of disadvantaged children and young
        adults who suffer from physical deformities, resulting from birth
        defects, abuse and disease.  Fresh start began in 1991 and to
        date has provided over $19,000,000 of free reconstructive surgery,
        medical and dental care to over 5,000 children. They have re-
        ceived presidential recognition for their work and recently received                                           San Diego  Woman
        a Congressional Proclamation for outstanding work in the com-
        munity from Congressman Brian P. Bilbray, 50th District, California.
                                                               disadvantaged families with no insurance, families where insur-
        Fresh start recently joined forces with Rady Children’s Hospital   ance will not cover the procedure, and for any family who would
        by opening a clinic which provides them with the ability to serve   suffer a severe financial hardship if they had to pay for their child’s  11
        infants, as well as children and young adults.  Every six to seven   procedure. What is even more amazing is the level of care that
        weeks year round Fresh Start Surgical Gifts holds a Surgery   each and every child receives as a participant in the Fresh Start
        Weekend where 80-100 highly skilled professionals provide recon-  program.  Not only do they receive care from the best Medical
        structive plastic surgery and reconstructive dental surgery free of   personnel in town, but upon completion of their procedure they are
        charge.  These events are held at Rady Children’s Hospital and   sent home with an overnight nurse to monitor them for their first
        fueled solely by volunteer efforts.                    night post surgery- and the nurse is a volunteer.
        Located in Carlsbad, Fresh Start currently has over 600 local vol-  To find out more about Fresh Start or how you can help please
        unteers. They provide services for children from financially   visit their site at

       It was a very unfortunate situation that prompted La Jolla resident,                           proclaiming it to be
       Jon Sundt, to form the Sundt Memorial Foundation.  Jon’s two                                   some of the best
       younger brothers both fell victim to drug addictions, and as a result                          anti-drug material
       lost their lives.  The mission of the Sundt Foundation is to influ-                            available.
       ence the hearts and minds of kids by inspiring them to live drug                               On Friday, October
       free reveling in their Natural High. More than 2.2 million youth ages                          22nd The Sundt
       10-15 across the country have received this message thanks to the   Memorial Foundation is hosting its 10th annual Gala, “Sunset
       work of the Sundt Memorial Foundation. The Foundation spreads   Splash” at the Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla with Tony Hawk
       its message by use of the Natural High® DVD series, which are dis-  as Honorary Event Chair.  To learn more about the organization and
       tributed free of charge to every school in the country that includes    gala or make a donation, please visit  or
       grades five and up.  The series speaks to the children by featuring   call   858-551-7006.
       testimonials from drug free musicians and artists.  Educators who
       have viewed the DVD have raved about its content and concept,
                                                   September/October 2010
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