Page 16 - Megan Reichman
P. 16
Megan cooked for celebrities, politicians, and even some cooking she loves experimenting with various sauces and
royalty, having served the Princess of Jordan during one of combines her creations with her favorite technique of sauté-
her trips. It was during one of their exotic adventures that ing. Megan is also responsible for every dessert that is
Kyrie popped the question, “He proposed in 2001 on a little served at Baleen and this is one instance where you will not
island off the coast of Tortola in the BVI/ Caribbean, we were want to skip the dessert.
married in California in 2002.” Although it was an extremely So after having cooked for celebrities, royalty, and even
exciting adventure the work was not easy. Megan explains, former President Bill Clinton, what is left for Megan Reich-
“Often the passengers would return to the yacht after explor- man to accomplish? “Maybe one day in the distant future we
will sail the world again,
maybe one day I will own
my own restaurant, but
for now I am extremely
happy and plan on keeping
my feet on solid ground.”
Those of us who have had
the pleasure of sampling
Megan’s masterpieces all
agree, we are thrilled she
chose to make San Diego
her home.
ing their exotic destina-
tion at 3 or 4 o’clock in
the morning and decide
they were starving. It
was at this point that I
would have to prepare full
course meals to accom-
modate their every need.
There was often no sem-
blance of normalcy in this
life style.” After nine years
Megan and Kyrie decided
they needed to put down
roots somewhere and they
started exploring their
options. They needed to
be near water for Kyrie’s
occupation, so San
Diego soon became their
obvious choice. A visit
to Paradise Point Resort
inspired Megan to send
off an email to inquire as
to whether or not they had
any positions available in
their fine dining facility.
Three days later Megan was cooking up a storm at Baleen.
Although Grilled Cheese and Peanut Butter and Jelly are two
of Megan’s favorite foods, when it comes to her passion for
September/October 2010