Page 57 - Education Issue
P. 57

Pearls of Wisdom

        ic of obesity and diabetes, and it turns  the subjects did aerobic exercise (with   morning—for at least 20 minutes—is
        out that eating our main meal at    a greater drop at night predicting   beneficial for weight maintenance.
        noon is another way to do just that.   better heart health.)             Add the extra benefit of walking to
            A study of 420 subjects published   In line with the Ayurvedic pre-  your morning “sun time,” and you’ve
        in the International Journal of Obe-  diction, morning exercise at 7 AM   got one doubly-powerful technique for
        sity (3) showed that those random-  resulted in the greatest drop in systolic  good health!
        ized to eating the majority of their   nighttime blood pressure, and deeper
        calories before 3 PM had more and   sleep was an added bonus. Second               Ride the Waves
        quicker weight loss over those eating   place, went to those exercising at 7   Riding the waves of a good daily
        the majority of their calories after 3   PM, which resulted in the greatest   routine can ground and protect us
        PM—even though they consumed the  drop in diastolic nocturnal blood      from the hustle, bustle, and stress of
        same number of total calories in both   pressure.                        everyday life. Now that you know Na-
        groups. The researchers concluded       Those who exercised at 1 pm      ture’s ideal schedule, you can truly “go
        that “novel” approaches” to weight   actually saw an inhibition of night-  with the flow” and enjoy better sleep,
        loss that include the timing of meals   time BP drop, so just as Ayurveda   mood, weight, digestion, and heart
        should be considered in any weight   prescribes, “after lunch, rest awhile,   health as you cruise through your days
        loss program.                       after dinner, walk a mile,” it’s better to  with the help of Nature’s wisdom fully
            Bring on the midday “dinner!”   eat, rest and digest at lunchtime, and   supporting your health, happiness,
                                            leave the exercise for earlier or later   and rejuvenation.
         We Know We Should Exercise, but    in the day.
                      When?                                                      •  Gangwisch, JE, et al, National Longitu-
           Dr. G - First of all, I advise my pa-   One Last Powerful Tip           dinal Study of Adolescent Health, USA,
        tients that with today’s overly-busy life-  Ayurveda highly recommends a   1994-1996; Sleep, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2010.
        style, exercise at any time is better than   morning walk for everyone as the best   •  Asarnow, Lauren D. et al., The Effects of
        not at all. But beyond that, research   prevention and rejuvenative for just   Bedtime and Sleep Duration on Aca-
        indicates that certain times are more   about everything. Interestingly, this   demic and Emotional Outcomes in a
        beneficial than others, and may have   ancient recommendation is also sup-  Nationally Representative Sample of Ad-
        to do with our underlying physiological   ported by modern research. A recent   olescents, Journal of Adolescent Health,
        state at different times of the day.  study (5) by Northwestern University   Volume 54, Issue 3, 350 – 356
           I do recommend avoiding vigorous   looked at light exposure and its effect   •  Ordovás and F A J L Scheer, Timing of
        exercise right after eating, especially a   on the human body.             food intake predicts weight loss effective-
        full meal. A comfortably-paced walk     The researchers found that being   ness. International Journal of Obesity
        is fine, but wait at least an hour, and   outside in the morning appears to   37, 604-611 (April 2013)
        preferably two, before heading out for a   dramatically influence our metab-  •  Fairbrother K, Cartner B, Alley JR,
        run, or to the gym.                 olism for the entire day. They also    Curry CD, Dickinson DL, Morris DM,
           Ayurveda recommends exercis-     discovered that people who get more    Collier SR. Effects of exercise timing on
        ing in the time between 6-10 in the   morning light exposure are leaner—   sleep architecture and nocturnal blood
        morning or evening—with the morn-   have less fat.                         pressure. Vascular Health and Risk Man-
        ing being ideal--- as the body tends to   As much as 20 percent of our     agement. Dec 12, 2014.
        be more stable, resilient and possibly a   body mass, and our weight, is deter-  •  Reid K, Santostasi G, Baron KG, Wilson
        bit sluggish then and will benefit most   mined by how much morning light   J, Kang J, Zee PC. Timing and intensity
        with the least likelihood of strain or   we get. If we don’t get enough light   of light correlate with body weight in
        injury.                             in the morning, our body clock gets    adults. PLOS One. April 2, 2014
           A fascinating study (4) on people   de-synchronized and alters our me-
        with early hypertension bears this   tabolism.                              Pacific Pearl La Jolla
        Ayurvedic recommendation out. Re-       When that happens, even if we       6919 La Jolla Blvd,
        searchers looked at the blood pressure   eat the same amount of food, we tend   La Jolla, CA 92037
        drop during sleep in relation to what   to gain more weight. The researchers   (858) 459 6919
        time of day—7 am, 1 pm or 7 pm—     concluded that being outdoors in the

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