Page 52 - Education Issue
P. 52

Fabulous Finds



        that shot because your puppy’s attention   age who deal with dry, sensitive skin.  Though you may not have heard of it, it’s
        is now solely focused on you. Well, maybe   Bee Inspired® Baby Oil if vegan and   actually been around a really long time.
        not actually you, but her favorite treat   cruelty-free, handmade in the USA, and   Encaustic art dates all the way back to
        which you have attached to your cell   free of phthalates, parabens, sulfates, so-  ancient Egypt. Kara found herself going
        phone. We all know that a treat trumps all  dium lauryl/eth sulfates, artificial colors,   through so much beeswax she decided
        other distractions.                 and fragrances.’                     to take up beekeeping. Soon after she
           The Woofie is a clip that easily attach-  The blend of plant-based oils is veg-  began beekeeping, she started sharing
        es to your cell phone or tablet on one   an, and the Bulgarian Lavender provides   her honey products with friends and
        end, and on the other end, you clip your   soothing relaxation for both you and   family who loved them too. That was the
        pet’s favorite treat. Once attached you   baby. This product Comes with baby   beginning of Waxing Kara®. In almost no
        can either snuggle close to your pet and   massage instructions written by the pro-  time, a small but committed team turned
        take an adorable selfie, or set up that   fessional massage therapists of the Spa at  a small beekeeping operation into a
        perfect portrait to hang on your wall or   Cliff House Maine.            full-fledged company creating healthful,
        place on your desk.                    My granddaughter, not a great sleep-  nurturing Bee Inspired® goods. For more
           Model Citizen, the company that pro-  er, was a tough candidate for this prod-  information on Waxing Kara products
        duces the Woofie, is not only innovative   uct, but guess what, they passed with   visit them at
        in their ideas but are on a mission to help   flying colors. It only takes a small amount
        pets, by donating a percentage of every   massaged into baby’s skin after a bath.   7.  The Sailfin Sailing Shoe
        sale to their local animal shelter. So you   She calmed down and seemed to really   In sunny San Diego sailing is one of the
        can not only get that great shot, but help   enjoy the techniques of the massage and  favorite pass times. To be safe while
        a homeless animal at the same time.  the soothing oil on her super sensitive   doing so requires a good pair of sailing
        Visit to   skin. The lavender did its job and had her   shoes. The SailFin is a fast-draining and
        purchase your very own Woofie and to   “sleeping like a baby,” in no time at all.  quick-drying women’s sailing shoe with
        check out their other amazing prod-    For adults, the nourishing properties   a mesh upper and 5-eye synthetic textile
        ucts.                               of the sunflower, jojoba, and apricot oils   lace system. The non-slip outsole with
                                            help to boost the skin’s natural radiance   forefoot water flow system makes it ideal
        6.  Bee Inspired® Baby Oil          while providing moisture and antioxi-  for sailing and boating enthusiasts, surf-
           When you think of baby oil what   dants. The inclusion of Bulgarian lavender  ers and beachcombers. The SailFin holds
        comes to mind is a large clear bottle that   oil not only calms your mind, but aids in   its grip on slippery surfaces - in the water
        we all grew up with. The Bee Inspired   the renewal of your skin, improving the   and out.
        Baby Oil by Waxing Kara is an entirely   appearance of scars, discolorations, and   Aside from the features that make it
        different product. This 90% organic oil   uneven texture. It is suggested to apply   perfect for sailing comes the fact that it
        is a combination of light and hydrating   while skin is damp. This soft and silky oil   is probably the most comfortable pair
        sunflower, apricot kernel, and jojoba oils   is safe for use on face and body.  of shoes you will ever wear. At the core
        all blended together with a kiss of Bul-  Kara Brook is the founder of Waxing   of the SoftScience™ shoes’ construction
        garian lavender oil to create this gentle   Kara. She’s an artist with a fascination   and personality is a proprietary material
        mixture safe for infants and adults alike.   for beeswax. Kara paints and sculpts   called Trileon™ -a closed cell copolymer
        Even though it was developed for use on   with encaustic. Encaustic is paint made   developed by Scott Seamans exclusively
        infants, this oil is ideal for people of every   with beeswax, tree resin, and pigment.   for SoftScience™. The unique properties

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