Page 56 - Education Issue
P. 56

Pearls of Wisdom

        quiring further into how well they feel
        they sleep at night, nearly every one
        of the “morning larks,” who go to bed
        early, slept well, and less than half of
        the night owls claimed good sleep. In-
        formal research as it is, it reflects what
        I commonly see in my practice.
           One of my patients, a woman
        several years past menopause, wrote
        me to say that she had slept poorly for                                                                      Photos Courtesy of Pacific Pearl
        years and simply resigned herself to
        the idea that “this was menopause,”
        and she’d probably never sleep well
        again. The day she learned about go-
        ing to bed early as a better sleep strat-     Dr. Mimi Guarneri                   Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf
        egy, she returned from a business trip
        and instead of her usual compulsive
        unpacking and organizing late into the    Nancy Lonsdorf, MD is a John Hopkins and Stanford-trained
        night, she turned in early, by 10 PM.   physician who practices Integrative Ayurveda and over all health,
        Guess what? In her words, she “slept   naturally at Guarneri Integrative Health at the Pacific Pearl. Call
        like a baby.” This hadn’t happened for   858-459-6919 for details.
        years!                                    Mimi Guarneri, MD is President of the Academy of Integrative
           Dr. G: This is such an import-      Health and Medicine. Dr. Guarneri is board certified in Internal
        ant point, how earlier bedtime may     Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease and Integrative Medicine. She is
        promote better sleep, performance and   the medical director and founder of Guarneri Integrative Health at
        mental health outcomes. Disturbed      Pacific Pearl La Jolla.
        sleep is very common and associated
        with an increased risk of heart dis-      For more information visit their site at
        ease, diabetes, obesity and even mood or call 858 459 6919
        and memory problems, including
        cognitive decline. We offer an easy-to-
        use, sleep apnea test at Pacific Pearl     Data on Early Bedtime          Dinner at Noon—like Those Close
        La Jolla that people can take and do at   In a US National Longitudinal             to the Land
        home. I recommend it for most of my   Study of Adolescent Health (1),       Dr. L - When I was a kid, my rural
        patients, as detecting and correcting   researchers compared students ran-  classmates living on farms used to call
        sleep apnea and other sleep disorders   domized to go to bed at 10 pm vs.   our lunch meal “dinner,” and their eve-
        is so key for prevention, as well as   students going to bed at midnight.   ning meal “supper.” Now I understand
        quality of life.                    The results showed students with     why. Being in tune with “the land” and
           There are many everyday exam-    midnight bedtime were 24% more       nature, their families traditionally ate
        ples of the wonders of an aligned   likely to be depressed, and 20% more   their main meal in the middle of the
        daily schedule, but let’s look at the   likely to have suicidal thoughts. A   day, when our bodies most need and can
        research.                           further study showed early bedtime   best process a major intake of nutrition.
           In short, there are three key    benefits were independent of the total   I find clinically that eating your
        Ayurvedic schedule recommenda-      number of hours of sleep. In addition,  main meal at lunchtime helps prevent
        tions for good health:              the effects were long-lasting: those   the late afternoon “munchies,” enables
         •  Go to bed (lights out!) by 10 pm  going to bed before 11:15 pm in high   you to easily eat lighter in the evening
         •  Eat your main meal by 12-1 PM   school had better academic achieve-  and sleep better, too.
         •  Exercise between 6-10, in the   ment and less emotional distress up     As a culture, we need all the help
           morning or evening               to 6 years later. (2)                we can get to combat today’s epidem-

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