Page 54 - Education Issue
P. 54

W H A T  I  R E A L L Y   W A N T  I S ................
                      Success-How Do We Measure It?

                                                  By Debbie Storms

           HE BENEFITS OF LIFE ARE             Truth and time are the greatest   enrichment has improved the quality
        Tplentiful, the question is, how do   teachers. A beautiful quote by Lailah   of your life. Riches are not only valuable
        we obtain them? How do we build the   Gifty Akita “The quest for learning is the   objects, such as money, jewels, and gold.
        framework that allows us to acquire the   quest for self-discovery’” tells us it is a   Improve the quality of your life by learn-
        soft skills in life? We live in a constantly   never-ending process that will allow   ing something new today and passing it
        changing environment and meeting the   us to grow and pass on what we have   on. The wealth of knowledge keeps on
        challenges of everyday life require skills   learned. Gaining new forms of knowl-  giving. Creativity is a gift that increases
        for adaptive and positive behavior that   edge can mean any form of learning.   your wealth.
        allows us to deal effectively with the de-  Personal fulfillment as a lifelong process   What I really want is to be a bit unruly
        mands and challenges of daily life. A well   that starts with hearing stories as a   and live life to its fullest!
        rounded and comprehensive education   young child to adult formal and self-ed-  “Intelligence plus character – that is the
        is critical to expanding your horizons.   ucating experiences. Awakening our    goal of true education.”
           Life skills go beyond choosing our   creative selves gives us a greater abil-
        future education or career goals. They   ity to open our awareness to differing   - Martin Luther King Jr.
        provide us with essential tools such   perspectives and situations. We become   We may encounter many defeats but we
        as decision making, socializing and   more adaptable and are able to know   must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou
        independent thinking. Approaching   what to do in real life situations inde-
        problems from multiple angles to find   pendently and with others.       “Security is mostly a superstition. Life is
        solutions and having the skill to com-  The benefits cannot be overstated.   either a daring adventure or nothing.”
        municate clearly and effectively is just as   Developing life skills at every juncture   – Helen Keller
        important as knowledge of a particular   of our lives gives us creative outlets and   “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
        academic subject.                   promotes a healthy self-worth. The core        – Albert Einstein
           The process of acquiring knowl-  of our being has a strong foundation to
        edge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits   make better choices for ourselves. These    “I dwell in possibility.”
        are gained during our entire lives. Any   experiences will enrich our lives.      —Emily Dickinson
        experience that has an effect on the way   All types of enrichment are improve-
        we think feel or act educates us on our   ments; they leave things better than   Debbie Storms
        path in life.                       they were before. You can also say such

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