Page 49 - Education Issue
P. 49

Debbra discusses the dilem-    How else will “Dare To Be   ers and Local Experts who have
        ma that women in business face   D.I.N.O!” help you? There are three   lived through the scale-up process.
        every day, "Everywhere you look,   ways that attending this event will   As for who should attend,
        there's something 'new' you are   help.                       "Whether you are a seasoned
        told you 'need to use' to get more                            businesswoman or just have an
        business. Add that to our already   1. You'll recharge and rejuvenate   idea for a new business, you will
        full schedule with kids, family,   while strengthening your   gain invaluable information from
        self-care, parent care… can get   network.                    attending this Women's Business
        you bogged down, overwhelmed,   2. You'll gain knowledge and   Leadership Conference." October
        spinning in your wheels. Each     learn how to take the tools,   is also Women's Small Business
        woman has something of great      resources, and knowledge you   Month, and this conference
        value to bring to her community.”  already have and understand   attracts strong, resilient, driven,
           She shares “Funny thing...     how to use them.            committed, visionary, capable,
        sometimes you can have too                                    intelligent women in business.
        much. Too much clutter anywhere   3. You'll understand influencers   Debbra shared feedback from
        stagnates. Feeling a bit frenetic   of business and have a tactical,   last year’s attendees, “The feed-
        right now as you try to stay on   real world, easy to implement   back of the attendees, (some who
        track, get more clients, close more   plan on HOW to grow your   are very seasoned conference
        sales, manage what we already     business profitably without   goers), was that D.I.N.O! was the
        have...oh yeah, and have a per-   overwhelm!                  best learning event they had ever
        sonal life too?                   Debbra has an added Bonus for   been to … and they are coming
           If this is how you are feeling,   those who sign up for this event.   back for more!:
        Debbra knows that the 2nd An-  “When you invest in yourself and   She continues “I’ve stayed in
        nual "Dare To Be D.I.N.O!" Business   get your ticket to the event by Oct   contact with my attendees from
        Leadership Conference will equip   1st, you'll receive a private Zoom   last year and the dramatic im-
        you to conquer this problem as   Room training on Oct 11, 2018,   provements in their life, mindset
        growth-minded visionaries with   where you will develop your 90   and businesses are awesome to
        information, insights & support   Day 'Jump Start' Marketing Plan   hear! I'm motivated by seeing oth-
        to overcome overwhelm, go      before you attend the "Dare To Be   ers grow, and their results make
        from Vision to Victory so you can   D.I.N.O!" Business Leadership Event.  this all worthwhile.”
        Confidently & Consistently Pivot   (This is a $1k bonus… for free!)”  In closing Debbra wanted to let
        Into Profits!                     I asked Debbra with what it is   women know this, “It is time to qui-
                                       that most women business owners   eten the battle raging in your mind
        •  You'll receive the tools needed   struggle "There are 3 problems   and transform your life. It is time
          to "RAISE THE BAR" in Body,   women who are scaling up their   to break free from the drama, self-
          Mind & Business.             business universally struggle with:   doubt, professional who is running
        •  Boost your confidence by    Work-Life Balance, Overwhelm,   a business upside down instead of
          knowing how to “Think Like a   and Limiting Beliefs. I stated   right side up. It’s time to become
          Man But Win Like A Woman!”   before, men approach business   the person, entrepreneur, the busi-
                                       differently than women. Men    ness owner you want to become…
        •  Learn the Benefits and Why You   consistently, strategically plan the   the woman that you were on track
          Need to ’Go Big!’            growth of their business. They   to be as a joyful, passionate, and
        •  Experience proven ways elim-  have a playbook, a game plan,   “I can do anything I dream about”
          inate the negative thoughts   step by step, month by month. As   filled with tenacity kind of gal. Just
          holding you back.            women, we plan many things…    like we were as young children!”
        •  Gain insider “been there, done   but most never plan their busi-
          that” in business to make the   ness- the very thing that fuels and   Do yourself and your business a huge favor and
          money you deserve.           funds everything else we do.”  attend the “Dare to Be D.I.N.O!!” Conference. Go
                                          The Guests scheduled to ap-  to and order your tickets
        •  Master three cornerstones to   pear at Debbra’s event include N.Y.   today. Use promo code: DINO18SDWM and receive
          ‘Go Big!': your mindset, skill-  Times Best Sellers, Major Network   $100 OFF your all-inclusive conference tickets thru
          sets, and your network.      and Media Producers, Global Train-  10-8-18. Tickets on sale until 10-15.18.

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