Page 51 - Education Issue
P. 51

Fabulous Finds




        learned about the NY delicacies that can   changeable buckles, so you can mix and   rooms available, and we end up suffer-
        now be shipped to the west coast. Baked   match them. Not only do they look great   ing waiting until we can find a public
        goods that many transplanted New    with jeans, but will garner you attention   restroom or an area respectably hidden
        Yorkers have been craving since they   with your coworkers when they notice   by trees. That was until now. The Tinkle
        relocated can now be shipped to Sunny   the stylish belt that adorns your other-  Belle has arrived to change all of that for
        San Diego.                          wise ordinary dress.                 women.
           If you are an east coaster, I am sure   The year was 2010 when Amy Sirich   The Tinkle belle is anatomically
        you have craved a delicious black and   and Aly Harber were in search of the per-  shaped, so it comfortably fits into your
        white cookie, Hamentashen, some     fect belt which led them to frustration.   trousers allowing you to urinate without
        delightful Rugelach or the sweetness of   After 18 months, they created a belt that   having to squat or take off your clothes.
        a Linzer tart. Let’s face it no one makes   met all of their needs. You can purchase   It is antimicrobial to prevent germs, and
        these NY pastries the same as they are   the entire belt, which includes the strap   it is foldable, portable and comes in a
        made in New York, and you can now be   and the buckle and then purchase   discreet carrying case. No longer do you
        guaranteed that you can order them,   additional straps or different buckles   have to expose yourself to the elements
        have them in a few days, and when they   as desired, giving you versatility as you   or creepy crawling bugs in order to
        arrive they will be as perfect as if you   have never had with another belt. One of  relieve yourself on that camping trip or
        jumped on a plane and picked them up   the greatest features of these belts is that  hike. You now can have the same advan-
        yourself.                           you can adjust the size after it is on, with   tage as your male counterpart and not
        Go to and or-  a simple pull of the elastic strap. There is   fear the lack of facilities when planning
        der your favorites today. They are sure   never a dangling flap to get in the way.   your outings.
        to make your mouth water.           If you want to avoid buckle bulge, back   This is also a great invention for those
                                            gap, and belt flap Hipsi is the answer.   who suffer from frequent urination, they
        3.  Hipsi Belts                     Visit their site at   no longer have to fear long road trips
        SOLVING AN AGE-OLD PROBLEM                                               with few available rest stops.
           How often have you been faced with   4.  The Perfect Solution for the   We salute the forward-thinking inven-
        a pair of jeans that just didn’t fit right   Outdoorsy Woman             tors of Tinkle Belle and thank them in ad-
        without a belt? Then you think about   THE TINKLE BELLE                  vance for all of the women who will feel
        which shirt you want to wear with it and   Are you an adventurer? Do you enjoy   a lot more confident on their adventures.
        it is not going to look right if you tuck   everything outdoors? Many women do,   If you would like to find out more visit
        it in, but if you don’t, you will have that   except there is a common problem that   their site at
        unsightly bulge at your belly which looks   women experience when they attempt
        like you ate a large meal before getting   to live the outdoorsy life. What happens   5.  The Woofie
        dressed. Enter the Hipsi belt. An innova-  when nature calls? Not that kind of   Taking Pet Photography to the Next Level
        tive new belt which is high end and no   nature. When you are hiking or camp-  It never fails, just as you are about
        show. They are made from elastic with   ing biking or kayaking, it is essential,   to snap the most adorable photo ever
        metal and leather buckles, and they fit   especially if the weather is warm to stay   of your little puppy, she moves on to
        every type of jeans.                hydrated. We all know what happens if   discover the next scent that grabs her at-
           What is an awesome part about these   you drink too much and you are in the   tention. The Woofie has met this problem
        belts is the fact that they have inter-  middle of nowhere. There are no ladies   head-on. It is designed to help you get

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