Page 50 - Education Issue
P. 50

Fabulous Finds

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        1.  The Comfy                       requested a smaller share and who they   if I walked into the bake shop in NY and
           There is nothing                 felt would be the best partner to catapult   ordered it directly from the baker fresh
        quite like cuddling up              them to success.                     out of the oven.
        on a chilly night with                 The Comfy is a one size fits most   New York is referred to as a melting
        your significant other,             oversized sweatshirt with a hood that   pot due to the many ethnic groups that
        your favorite movie and a bucket of pop-  can double as a pillow and a front pocket   have settled there. Along with the people
        corn, well that was until now. There is one  large enough to hold an iPad and still   came their unique delicacies. Fresh Baked
        other item that can make the evening   warm those chilly hands. The great part   NY’s line of baked goods run the gamut
        pure perfection. This item is taking the   about this product besides its descriptive   from the many different cultures that
        world by storm, it is the creation of two   name is that it can be used by anyone,   reside in the big apple. My favorite prod-
        brothers, Brian and Michael Speciale who   from children to even football player   uct of all was one that I grew up loving
        have created this combination blanket   sized men. It can be used at home on the   and have even baked in my own kitch-
        and sweatshirt that is guaranteed to not   couch, at the beach, camping, at sporting   en. These are an Italian favorite called
        only warm your body but your heart.   events or just out and about running your   Rainbow Cookies. Though I must admit,
           I suppose you are thinking, wow it   normal errands. Plus, it will fit over any-  mine were not as good as Fresh Baked
        must be really cold where they come   thing you are wearing. To join the comfy   NY’s version. They are yummy three layer
        from to create this fabulous, comfortable   bunch, click on their site at www.  cookies in a rainbow of colors with a hint
        and toasty garment that combines a and order one for you or   of marzipan between each layer and
        microfiber blanket with a Sherpa lining   several for your whole family today.   covered in Chocolate. Fresh Baked NY
        that will keep out even the most frigid of                               also makes them with a white chocolate
        weather, but no, these two brothers live   2.  Fresh Baked NY            coating, which I never had before, but
        in Arizona. Yet they saw a need and acted   Classic Pastries Baked in the Heart of NYC  they were equally delicious.
        upon it, and not in a small way.       This review has to start with an    Let’s talk macaroons! Michelle’s Macs,
           With just an idea in place, some   important disclosure. I am a native New   another one of Fresh Baked NY’s popular
        prototypes, and a dream, a decision was   Yorker and an Italian.         items are not only delicious but unique
        made to tackle one of the toughest mar-  So when I was intro-            as well. They come in 13 different flavors
        keting methods out there. They set their   duced to Fresh Baked          including Mango, Key Lime, Banana
        sights on getting a spot on the number   NY, I knew they were            Walnut, Expresso, Amarena Cherry,
        one most popular entrepreneurial TV   in for a very tough                Peanut Butter, Salted Caramel, Orange
        show, Shark Tank.                   critique. I grew up in               Zest, Chocolate Chocolate, Simple Dark,
           After making it through several qual-  New York and just about every one of   Simple White, Simple Milk and Pina Cola-
        ifying rounds, they got their chance to   their products are ones that I grew up on.   da. All of these sinful flavors are covered
        stand before the five most famous names   It would take an outrageous product for   in Belgium Chocolate, one bite will make
        and brilliant minds in business today,   them to get a rave review and they didn’t   you a forever fan.
        Mark, Lori, Keven, Barbara, and Robert.   disappoint.                      Let me just add, I wasn’t the only one
        The first to step up with an offer was Rob-  Keep in mind that this package trav-  who went crazy over the baked goods
        ert, but as part of the deal he required   eled 3,000 miles to make it to my desk.   from Fresh Baked NY, those in our office
        50% ownership in the company, so it   The packaging was well thought out, and   were thrilled when they tasted the prod-
        was Barbara they ended up with who   its contents were as fresh and perfect as   ucts, and even more excited when they

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