Page 29 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
P. 29
He Said, She Said
Photos by Lisa K. Miller
Are men really from Mars and Women from
Venus, as author Dr. John Gray states in his
bestselling book? Do men and women re-
ally see things that differently? If given the
same question could their answers really
be so different? At San Diego Woman we
wanted to explore the differences between
"them" and "us". Read this month's install-
ment and find out how the sexes differ when
it comes to communicating with each other.
What topics would you like to see us duke it
out over in upcoming issues?
No topic is off limits, so write me at I can't wait to
hear from you!
He Said... She Said...
Men are…different! Women are complicated. What was yes While it is true that men and women are different in many
this morning is no at dinner. The word ‘maybe’ never means ways, there is one way in which they are alike. We all crave
‘possibly,’ it usually means No. Time has no meaning – it is love, look for relationships and hope for the “Happily Ever Af-
a point of reference. ‘Where’ is not a place (except Nordies), ter.” Perhaps the difference is in our approach and expecta- San Diego
but something mystical that could possibly exist but hasn’t tions. When Bob originally suggested this He Said/She Said Woman
been found, yet. Men dress according to what they like, not column, I jumped at the idea, as much for our readers as for
always what is appropriate or…clean. Women dress for my own interest. Decades of dealing with men; male friends,
women, or men, or both, or…? Women can challenge men male relatives, and male children, made me often wonder if 29
on their attire but men can never – and I mean never – ques- we even spoke the same language.
tion a woman. Men are required to answer one of the worst, One of the first times I realized this was on my way out of
most loaded questions in the universe, “Do I look fat in this?” town on a business trip, when I carefully listened to the
Or any variation of it. And men are not supposed to look at authoritative male voice with a dreaded list of things not to do
(other) women and how they dress, specifically in the chest while waiting for your plane. You know the “don’t leave your
area. It doesn’t matter that so many times there is so much bag unattended, don’t accept packages from strangers and
showing that even other women are looking. don’t bring any liquids over 3 ounces in your carry-on lug-
We have covered these and other man/woman issues in gage.” This list of forbidden actions ended and not 3 minutes
this column over the past three years and have always had later the exact same announcement was made only this
a great deal of fun with it. The differences between us are time the strong authoritative voice was that of a woman. So
the exact things that attract us to each other. Men are pigs apparently this indicates that it is true, men and women do
but, honestly, most of us are pretty good guys. Women are speak different languages.
(I have to watch myself here), let’s just repeat, complicated. All of these bits of information that I have learned over the
But most of you are marvelous, surprising creatures. And we years in this column have made me a bit more prepared to
are drawn to each other for exactly those reasons. May this deal with the men in my life.
dance never change. I will also let you in on a little secret, but you have to promise
However, we think that it’s time for a change. The topics not to tell Bob. I always made him go first since, as he will
we’ve covered in He Said, She Said, are interwoven and attest, women always want to have the last word, Sorry Bob.
can become a bit redundant. We’re, Judith and I, proposing So here we are at a crossroads and it is time for our readers
another fun way of looking at the male/female dynamic by to tell us what it is they want to read about. So please email
having you, our readers, pose questions for us to answer. me at and share your sugges-
Nothing is off the table. We can make this a cross between tions. Nothing is taboo, and I might even go first the next
Dear Abby and Dr. Ruth or anything in between. Work, mar- time and allow Bob to have the last word.
riage, relationships, what turns us on or off, the joys of being
a couple or the horror of divorce, whatever is on your mind.
We promise that there will be fireworks and a great deal of