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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                                         Maria Burns

                                                            Helping to Make Life Easier

                                            both Spanish and English was of great   nity, she decided that she needed to be
                                            help to the large number of Oregonians  able to help them in additional areas
                                            who still struggled with learning and   besides tax preparation. Maria went on
                                            understanding the English language.   to become licensed in Insurance, Real
                                            "The horror was that because some    Estate, and as a Notary Public.
                                            of these individuals could not com-     Maria decided she needed a
                                            prehend what they were being told,   change of scenery so she moved to
                                            many professionals viewed them as    San Diego and into her current office
                                            easy targets. One woman came to me   in Vista in 2013. She has several
                                            extremely upset. She signed on with a   professionals who specialize in insur-
          N THE YEAR 2000, A YEAR           law firm who told her she owed the IRS  ance, tax, and real estate, so they help
        Ifilled with trepidation for many of   five thousand dollars, which included   her provide excellent service to her
        us, a young woman with two boys     their fee. She scrambled to get the mon-  customers. With specialists working
        decided to pack up herself and her   ey together to pay them, but couldn't   with her, she can focus on each client’s
        boys and make a journey from Mexico  understand how she could owe this   needs and be certain that they are cov-
        to Oregon. For anyone, this is a scary   much money. She came to see me, and I  ered in each and every area without
        endeavor, but especially for someone   told her I would check with the IRS and  the chance of being taken advantage of
        who at the time had little command of   the woman wanted to know the cost for  due to language issues.
        the English language and no family to   me to do so. I told her there was no cost   Maria’s two boys are now grown.
        run to if things did not go as planned.   for me to check, apparently, the other   One lives in Mexico, while the other
        This is exactly what Maria Burns did.   firm had charged her several hundred   is in Oregon, the state Maria and her
        She registered in school so she could   dollars, just to tell her what she owed.   boys moved to when she came here
        learn the language that was so foreign   The reality was when I researched her   from Mexico 17 years ago. The boys
        to her and took the first job she could   files she owed nothing to the IRS. This   remain very close to their mom.
        get cleaning homes. She enrolled her   is only one of the many stories I started   I asked Maria what it was that she
        boys in school and started working   hearing from those who came to me   liked most about the career she finally
        long hours to provide for herself and   and were not fluent in English."  chose and her answer was simple.
        her children. "I wanted to have a career   Realizing how great the need was   “I am really happy with what I do. I
        based on honesty and integrity, but   for the non-English speaking commu-  am really happy to come to my office
        I didn't know quite what that would
        be, so I searched around and explored
        many job opportunities. I always loved
        to learn, so learning new skills in all
        of these jobs was fun for me. I always
        believed that when you are looking for
        opportunities, they will come to you."
           One of her jobs finally proved to
        be the right one. Maria was hired as
        a receptionist in an income tax office.
        "This job was so interesting to me that
        I decide to obtain my license as a tax
        preparation professional” Soon Maria
           Maria soon learned how much her
        services were needed especially for the
        Hispanic population. Being fluent in

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