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pened when I was visiting the town in
        which I grew up. I ran into two men that
        I had known well… they had been reg-
        ulars at the restaurant I worked in previ-  then you are starving your soul, and (as   When asked where she came up
        ously. Interestingly, they BOTH said the   I was told a few years back), the spark in  with the formula for D2A, Dr. Magill
        SAME thing when I ran into them (and   your eyes will die. That said, we can live   stated, “I have to admit, I learned the
        this was at different times, so they did   a life of work that we’re good at and like,   hard way. You know, it would seem that
        not know what the other had said). They  but how much better if we can work   with my education and experience, it
        said, ‘Are you okay? What happened?   at something we love and are great at!   would be easy for me to see it happening
        The ‘spark’ has left your eyes!’ What a   When this happens, as others have said,   to myself, but NOOOOOOO. I didn’t
        wakeup call! That was when I realized I   we’re not really working anymore - we’re  recognize it. Here I was, teaching and
        had to make a change. Hence… my real   living!”                          coaching these concepts, but when I put
        journey began!”                         When asked how all this has influ-  on my personal business ‘hat,’ I found
           I noticed that Dr. Magill also dab-  enced her business as it stands today, Dr.  myself spinning my wheels, not being
        bled in health and wellness, so I asked   Magill shared, “Besides 1:1 coaching, I   productive, and circling back to the
        her to elaborate a bit on this. She stated,                              same place I had been before. Then, one
        “I have always loved the health field!                                   day it hit me. Why was I not practicing
        In fact, when I was in high school I ran                                 the same steps I had been teaching?
        cross country and track all four years.                                  That’s when I created D2A. I also add in
        Then, when I graduated, I kept compet-                                   my educational research regarding brain
        ing. I loved the outdoors which is why                                   science, emotional intelligence, ADHD,
        it was so crazy that I ended up sitting all                              individual differences, health, and well-
        the time in my work. When I decided                                      ness. It’s what’s personally helped me to
        to make a change, I remember walking                                     finally stay on track and succeed!
        down the boardwalk at the beach with                                        So as the waitress came and cleared
        my husband saying, ‘I wish I had a life                                  away our table, I followed that move
        where I helped other women to BE                                         with my final question. So what would
        THEMSELVES again; to feel free, happy,                                   you like to leave our readers with today?
        healthy, to feel a connection with the                                   Elisa looked off to the hillside, tilted her
        person they see in the mirror. To love                                   head and smiled. Then she said, “Live
        what they do, to have time to be free,                                   life to be you. Be yourself. You never
        and to feel good about their life…’ and                                  know what tomorrow will bring, so we
        four years later, that is what I’m doing                                 can only live for today. Me - I’m a big
        with Envision This!”                                                     picture person by nature. I like to think
           “I also earned three health coach                                     of the past and future and connect that
        certifications from Dr. Sears Wellness   created a virtual program called Distrac-  to the present. I tend to analyze, the-
        Institute to add to my formal educa-  tion-to-Action (D2A), which addresses   orize, and dream a lot! But I’ve had to
        tion - just some extra ‘ah has!’ But my   all of the key factors I found vital to   learn to stop and smell the roses along
        main passion is educating women to   success for business owners. If we do not  the way. To take time out, not just look
        understand how to really engage their   address these issues, our ‘wheel spin-  for free time to happen, but to take it to
        brain and find their focus - to manage   ning’ can lead to overwhelm, frustra-  spend with family and friends, or to do
        their distractions, be less busy and more   tion, reduced funds, reduced energy,   what really makes us happy. That doesn’t
        productive, while still increasing their   and poor health. If unmanaged, all lead   mean I live my whole life like this or I’m
        free time and profits! Avoiding Entre-  to burnout, which is where 90% of new   suggesting others live this 24/7, but find
        preneurial ADD and stop ‘spinning their  businesses fail! I say… let’s be that 10%   balance in your schedule the best you
        wheels.’ Being truly free to live the life   that succeeds! This philosophy is also   can. Even if it’s 2 hours per week, take
        that they love! This is where true mental   what inspired my new #1 Amazon Best   some time for you. Relax and breathe.
        and physical health can be attained   Seller, Harness Your Entrepreneurial   At least remember to take care of you
        through intentional work-life balance.”  ADD: How to Move from Distraction to  while you’re taking care of others. We
           “Let me elaborate on that just a   Action in the Age of Information Over-  only have one of us! In closing, I’d just
        bit… it’s so important to think about   load to Supercharge Your Profits, ASIN:   say, believe in yourself. This is the first
        and really dig deep to discover what it is   B0722N5RK4W. I’m so excited about   step in making our dreams a reality!
        that truly makes your heart glad. What   this book! I also designed a blueprint   Then dream it, believe it and when all is
        energizes your soul? Not to sound too   called ‘The Optimal You’ formula, out-  said and done… you can truly… Envi-
        ‘foo-foo,’ but if you are not connecting   lining steps I share in D2A which I offer   sion This! for yourself!”
        your daily activities with something   for free on my website, www.Envision-
        that, as I like to say, ‘Feeds the Spirit,’”

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