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Dr. Elisa Magill

                                                            ENVISION THIS!

                                                                       By Sharon Hightower

                    Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

          T WAS LATE AT NIGHT, AND AN       wanted to do when I decided to go back   was getting called almost daily. I ended
        Ientrepreneur was busy preparing    to college as a single parent. I started   up pulling him out of school half way
        things for her adventures the next day.   out as a Broadcast Journalism major,   through 7th grade and home school-
        However, on this evening, she decided   but when I realized I had to move a lot   ing him in a charter school. He did so
        to check her emails one last time. When   to follow the opportunities in that field,   much better there! He flourished. With
        she did, a notice for a contest caught   I changed majors. My son was still very   this situation in my face daily, I started
        her eye. She wondered… “what if?”   young at the time, and I did not want   conducting a lot of research on ADHD/
        Although she figured it was a long shot,   to leave my family. As a single mom, it   ADD. This also opened my eyes to how
        she opened the email. The challenge was  was important to have my parents near   many just have different learning styles
        to name who the “mystery figure” was   to watch him while I was in school or   and ‘ways of being’ so to speak, includ-
        in the picture. To her surprise, the name   at work. I decided to switch to Jour-  ing how to keep one focused. It became
        came right to her! “I know who this   nalism as a major and Psychology as a   my passion to help others both live the
        is!!!” Excitedly, she entered the name   minor, but ended up falling in love with   life that they were meant to live and live
        and was completely surprised when she   Psychology! That became my major as   it the way they were designed to live it.
        found out she was the winner!!! The en-  an undergrad, but for graduate school, I   Forget trying to shove a square peg into
        trepreneur? Dr. Elisa Magill of Murrieta,  took another twist into Industrial/Orga-  a round hole. Enjoy the differences and
        CA! Let’s start with a bio…         nizational Psychology which is the study  appreciate them!”
           Dr. Elisa Magill is the founder of   of how people work both on their own   And now? “Fast-forward, several
        Envision This! a company specializing   and with others in the workplace. It also   years later after graduating with my
        in improving performance, managing   includes the design/structure aspect of   doctorate, I fell into coaching, consult-
        change, and avoiding burnout. At the   the workplace, so a nice mix of people   ing, and training. I loved and found it
        foundation of her coaching and training   and processes. I loved the fact that as an   very rewarding. However, any ‘me time’
        is understanding the individual and   I/O Psychologist, I could truly put the   slowly disappeared as somehow I found
        engaging the brain for optimized per-  pieces of the puzzle together, looking to   myself working day and night. Then,
        formance. Dr. Magill has over 25 years   create a beautiful picture!”    while working as a leader in academia,
        of professional experience in both the   “Before I ever decided to go back   I found myself working 80-100 hour
        corporate and academic environments.   to school though, I did a few other   weeks (days and nights and weekends),
        During her career, she observed her cli-  things. I worked in a clothing store and   driving 3-4 hours on the freeway almost
        ents and found the effects of being over-  waitress to start. Then, when I became   every day. I can still remember nights
        whelmed combined with a lack of focus   pregnant with my son, I figured I had   where my husband, son, and step-son
        limited their personal and professional   to get a job where I could work from   (and dogs) were all in the living room,
        growth. These realizations fueled Elisa’s   home or at least have some flexibility   watching TV and having fun, but I had
        passion for helping busy people realize   as I was a single mother. I ended up   to be in my home office working on
        their dreams while staying energetic and  working as a medical transcriptionist   a project or deadline. It was so hard
        motivated enough to enjoy them!     and a marketing rep for a sales com-  missing out on all of the fun, family
           I met with Elisa in a quaint, Old   pany, but neither were my dream jobs.   time. And then… my health started to
        Towne Temecula restaurant that served   However, during this time, my son   suffer: I gained 25 pounds, always ate
        organic and unique foods, coffee and   was diagnosed with ADHD at a very   lunch over my computer while working,
        biscuits. I wanted to find out how she   young age. Although we never had any   no longer had time to exercise, and just
        got started in her chosen niche. In her   real problems at home, he could not   didn’t feel ‘myself’ anymore. I’d have to
        own words… “I wasn’t 100% sure what I  sit still long enough to focus in class. I   say that one of my turning points hap-

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