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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        vagina, so guess what ladies,   is noticeably more enjoyable  relief for Liza, but there was   of my daughters, I experi-
        our private parts look years   for both partners.     another added benefit that   enced for the first time the
        younger as well.               I spoke with two of Dr.   she had not even expect-  ever-dreaded "leaking." I
           Besides wanting to sing   Tess’ patients. The first was   ed. "Sensation is greatly   was not laughing, cough-
        the praises of Dr. Tess re-  Liza, a 42-year-old female   improved during sex and   ing, sneezing or anything
        garding this new treatment,   who had her daughter at   lubrication issues change.   that I could honestly give
        I decided to take some time   the young age of 20 and   Not only was I impressed   myself an excuse for why
        learning about how the     due to a difficult birth, she   with the change, but so was   this was happening to me.
        procedure was done, and    has found that the trauma   my husband. I was waiting   This leaking continued
        then speak to some women   to her vaginal canal was   for him to send Dr. Tess    to happen about every 20
        who have already had the   now causing her to have    Flowers," she joked.        minutes during the movie.
        procedure so that I could   occasional incidents of       Veronica was the second  There was absolutely no
        get some first-hand opin-  incontinence. Although she   patient I interviewed. Her   control. Realizing that if I
        ions of vConfidence and its   regularly exercised, she was   situation, though somewhat   didn't do something soon, I
        results.                   forced to stay away from   similar was wrought with    would end up wearing those
           The procedure itself is   exercises such as jumping   a bit more of a confidence   adult panties that closely
        done in the office and starts   jacks or running because of   issue. “I had just turned fifty   resembled children's pull-up
        with a topical numbing     incontinence. She thought   years old, and I found myself  diapers, I started fanatically
        cream. An oral sedative is                                                        doing Kegels, but they didn't
        optional if patients need                                                         help. Knowing Dr. Tess both
        something extra to relax. A                                                       professionally and person-
        CO2 laser applicator is then                                                      ally, she introduced me to
        inserted into the vaginal                                                         this new concept. Once she
        canal for a period of fewer                                                       explained the procedure,
        than ten minutes during                                                           I was eager to give it a try.
        which time Dr. Tess does a                                                        After all, there was no sur-
        resurfacing of the vaginal                                                        gery involved, no chance of
        canal. This resurfacing will                                                      nerve damage, I had noth-
        build new collagen, reju-                                                         ing to lose and a lot to gain.
        venate the vaginal mucosa,                                                        It was the best decision I
        restore normal ph and flora.                                                      ever made. The results were
        For most patients, this inter-                                                    great. It’s no longer goodbye
        nal treatment is completely                                                       50''s hello 50 and count-
        painless! A small amount                                                          ing up!”
        of blood is drawn from the                                                           Both women claimed
        patient for the Platelet Rich                                                     of a painless procedure
        Plasma (PRP) which Dr.                                                            with only mild discomfort
        Tess will inject in different                                                     during the shot, and use of
        areas (after the areas have                                                       the laser feeling no more se-
        been numbed) as need-                                                             vere than an internal exam,
        ed to improve the vagina                                                          both women say they highly
        functionally and aestheti-                                                        recommend this solution to
        cally. The result can be life   that this was just how it had   recently single after a long-  the problem and feel it will
        changing even after a single   to be until she learned of Dr.  term marriage. I thought my  totally change your life.
        treatment! Women report    Tess’ procedure. “Immedi-  romantic life was over. How    For more information
        improvement in stress uri-  ately after the procedure was  could I ever fall in love and   on the vConfidence proce-
        nary incontinence, dryness,   done I felt the density of the   be intimate with someone   dure or to schedule an ap-
        vaginal laxity, pain, loss of   tissue in the vaginal canal.   when I had such a negative   pointment Contact Dr. Tess
        sensation and recurrent in-  I didn't try jumping jacks   self-image? In addition to   at 833 4MBEAUTY or go to
        fections. After a few weeks,   until about a month later,   my vaginal-vanity con-
        sometimes sooner, most     but when I did, there was no  cerns, one evening while    -Tess Mauricio, MD,
        report that sexual relations   problem." This was a great   watching a movie with one   FAAD

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