Page 25 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        sculpture can be a logistical   designed to support child
        nightmare if you don’t know  development with fun facts
        what you are doing. How-   and moments within the
        ever, Laurenn’s extensive   stories as well as a section
        experience supports great   where the child can partic-
        installations as she uses   ipate by sharing their own
        the best bronze foundries   experience through story
        for casting her sculptures,   telling. These most love-
        a great crew of contractors   able and fun stories with
        for moving a piece from her   engaging renderings attract
        studio or foundry to loca-  the wee-ones while helping
        tion and she understands   them belong to and partici-
        the needs of the landscapers  pate within the family unit.
        for the placement of her       If you are interested
        work in gardens, court-    in seeing the diversity of                                  Reprint from Project
        yards, businesses or homes.   Laurenn Barker’s work, you                               Archives
        Great efforts are involved   need to check out her web-
        in planning each phase of   site at www.ExpressionsStu-
        her project. Success for her It is here you can
        begins in the studio, but it   review her education and
        ends on the client's face.   awards in detail. She has
        When it all comes together,   two beautiful studios; one
        and Laurenn can see their      Located in Carlsbad and
        satisfaction, this is when she  one in Sedona, Arizona. If
        is satisfied with her work.   you are interested in book-
           Her talent in sculpting   ing a commission or have
        transfers to her passion   questions about Laurenn
        for writing and illustrat-  Barker’s work, you may con-
        ing children's stories, as   tact her at artlark17@yahoo.                                   Reprint from Project
        well. Her award-winning    com. And, you can find her                                       Archives
        Lae Lae series of books for   award-winning books in
        children ages two through   the Lae Lae series at www.
        six is a collection of stories

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