Page 29 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
P. 29

Poetry Corner

        and field trips. She drove to
        all the sports activities her
        children were involved with
        and always supported all her
        children’s activities. And she            Blue Veins Bleed Deep Maroon
        was always very involved in                                         ©Maggie Ramos
        all the church activities that
        involved her children and
        her family.
           This Mom spent hours                   I don't wish to be Mexican,
        blaming herself and she                   as it is obvious that the bronze, tan tone represents it
                                                  thru my outer thin layer.
        continues to do just that,
        even after hours in thera-                Passively with pride, life surrounds me in a
        py where she was assured                  multicultural world. I undergo heavy, steady bridges.
        it was not her fault. She                 I overcome with a leap fragile, fake barriers that
        almost began to forgive her-              intend to hold me stranded.
        self, when she learned that
        her child tried to commit                 I don't ask to be white, despite the fact that I am a
        suicide while attending col-              true American. I can't regret not being Asian nor
        lege. Again, she questioned,              African American. There are not many things in life
        what did I do wrong? She                  I regret.
        began to look back; was it
        the mineral oil she adminis-              I am a true Native in this world, and those are strong
        tered to both her children?               blue veins that compose my family from any part of
        Was it too many video                     the globe.
        games her children played?
        Was it too many rules? Not                Passively with pride, life surrounds me in a
        enough rules?                             multicultural world.
           It’s hard to rational-                 Blue veins bleed in a deep maroon, whether we
        ize one person’s actions to               march wearing white collars, golden crowns or silky
        another, especially when                  fancy wardrobes.
        that person is your child.
        Although her child is now                 Our pains and sorrows all feel and bleed from the
        an adult, living happily with             heart. Silky white gloves don't hold me back from
        another transgender, with a               stretching out a hand to those who trip and fall on a
        good job, and a home, this                deep maroon carpet.
        mother still searches for
        the answers and continues
        to ask herself what she did
           Maybe this mother was
        over protective, maybe she
        was too permissive, maybe
        she acquiesced to everything
        her children wanted, maybe
        she was too strict, maybe
        she fed her children too
        many apples, not enough
        oranges, or maybe she didn’t
        do anything wrong. Maybe
        she was just a devoted mom
        with a child who was never
        comfortable in the body
        they were born with.
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