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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        wanted a product that fit a need, so   utation for putting new entrepreneurs   launch over 200 entrepreneurs, and in-
        we created earbuds with a retractable   on the map, by getting their brands   crease the bottom line for well known
        cord, so it would nicely fit in our purs-  into stores quickly and efficiently. "We   and respected businesses, but they are
        es and not get tangled. Every item we   know most of the retail markets from   alway searching for ways to give back
        created had a purpose. When bigger   our experience with our company,    "We do something called give back
        companies tried to target women, their  so we know what they are looking   stock, which allows manufacturers to
        answer was simply, let’s put pink on   for and how we can present them   donate their products to many worth-
        it and women will come. For us, we   with products that they know we will   while causes. Our clients are happy
        came from a place of, what is going to   continue to draw consumers to from   to participate in this program and
        make our life easier. We wanted it to   our promotions," added Kailynn.
        be pretty and serve a purpose”.     One of the biggest attractions for
           All of this notoriety made other   their customers was the fact that with
        brands around us ask, “how did you   ChicExecs behind them customers
        get on the Today Show? How did you   were able to get their products onto
        get that article in People magazine?”   store shelves on average, five years
        With so many inquiries, we decided we  earlier than attempting to do so on
        would open our new firm ChicExecs, a   their own.
        branding agency to help other brands    Nikki shares, "We believe that PR
        with Marketing and Retail Growth    and Social Media are major compo-
           "While we set our new firm in    nents in making a product successful.
        motion, our electronic products con-  We like to see that a company has
        tinued to grow. With over $400,000   actively worked on both for at least six
        in back orders, we decided to bring   months. So, if they came to us before
        on some financial backing to help get   doing so, we would work in these two
        these orders out the door." Kailynn ex-  areas for at least six months." This   generously offer their products for free
        plains, "We brought in a partner with   along with proof that the client has   to be used for fundraising efforts as
        an extensive electronics background.   sufficient working capital to produce   silent auction items, and for homeless
        We soon realized that we were having   the orders, which they know will soon   centers where their products are most
        a lot more fun helping people promote  come flooding in, are requirements for   needed. If you have a product that you
        their brands, then we were in the man-  new customers of ChicExecs.      would like to donate, visit their site at
        ufacturing business. So, we stepped     After 12 years in business, their
        back from our original company and   network of about 40,000 buyers,        "Success is great, and we are happy
        went full speed ahead with ChicExecs.   respect the products that Nikki and   that our business is thriving, but it
        Before very long they built a network   Kailynn bring to them. Not only are   doesn't mean as much unless we can
        of 40,000 entrepreneurial brands.   Kailynn and Nikki amazing entrepre-  give back, that is very important to us."
           ChicExecs is growing by leaps and  neurs who have created their success-  Tips for women starting a new
        bounds due to their well-earned rep-  ful businesses and helped successfully   business
                                                                                   •  Be authentic to who you are. If
                                                                                  you are a mom and find a product
                                                                                  you need that doesn't exist, then
                                                                                  other moms probably feel the same
                                                                                  way. Be aware that along the jour-
                                                                                  ney there might be those who will
                                                                                  discourage you, but just stick with it.

                                                                                   •  Find a mentor. Reach out to peo-
                                                                                  ple you will be surprised how many
                                                                                  people are willing to help you. Don’t
                                                                                  be afraid to ask for help

                                                                                   •  Always uphold your morals and
                                                                                  values. Don’t compromise. It will
                                                                                  help you in the long run. Never work
                                                                                  for just the success or money.

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