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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                                  Ruth A. Gillis, LMFT

                                                  EMDR Certified Therapist

                                                                      By Mimi C. Hall

                                            She was able to take all exams without   the bad memory. This is achieved by
                                            feeling anxious. “I knew at that mo-  engaging the senses in one of three
                                            ment that this form of healing was not   ways: one way is by watching a hor-
                                            only effective, but would give relief to   izontal bar of green LED lights that
                                            so many people. I immediately started   light up from left to right and go back
                                            my EMDR training to get certified to   and forth, which the client follows
                                            help my clients get relief from trauma   with their eyes. The second way is us-
                                            they experienced in their lives. For six   ing headphones and listening to beeps
           ROM THE OUTSIDE, YOU             years this has been my specialty.”   that go from one ear to the next. The
        Fwould never know the amazing           I asked her to give an example   third way uses a dual pulse generator
        transformation that is happening    of a patient that benefitted from this   that provides tactile stimulation that
        within the Balanced Life Therapy    type of treatment. She recounted an   alternates from one hand to the other.
        Center in El Cajon. Inside, Ruth Gillis   experience she had with a teenage girl,   Ruth let me try out the pulse
        LMFT, Licensed Marriage and Family   named Lydia (not real name), who    generator, which looked like two small
        Therapist, and four other therapists,   would not let anyone touch her except   plastic egg shapes with electric cords
        plus interns, help clients reprogram   her mother. Her self-esteem was very   coming out of them connected to small
        their lives, reducing stress, improving   low, primarily due to a violent event   pulse generator. When I held them in
        relationships, and most impressively,   that happened to her when she was   each of my hands, I felt a short burst of
        overcoming PTSD (Post Traumatic     six years old. She had been visiting   vibration, first one hand then the other
        Stress Disorder).                   her family and an eight-year-old boy,   hand, over and over. My brain was
           Ruth Gillis is an expert in this   a relative, tried to strangle her. Al-  forced to shift focus from one hemi-
        type of therapy winning awards for   though she got away from the boy in   sphere to the other. If I were a client,
        her work with her clients. She special-  time, the trauma of the event stayed   I would be visualizing and feeling the
        izes in a clinically proven procedure   with her, affecting her current rela-  effects of a bad memory, while going
        that has been used for 25 years called   tionships, trust in others, and making   through this bilateral brain exercise.
        EMDR, an acronym for Eye Move-      her feel powerless. After a series of   This is especially effective for veterans,
        ment Desensitization Reprocessing.   EMDR treatments and therapy, Lydia   rape, and victims of violence.
        Amazingly, the EMDR treatments      proclaimed to Ruth, “I am cured. I am   Ruth is passionate about this
        actually transform bad memories from  free of carrying this emotional bur-  revolutionary treatment. Ms. Gillis
        a dysfunctional anxiety that affects   den. I no longer feel fear when I think   told me, “My passion is to see progress
        a person’s everyday life and relation-  about that horrible incident. I can let   and relief from a client’s struggles as
        ships, to a bearable dull recollection.   go now, and live my life the way I want  quickly as they want to heal.”
           Ruth was convinced that EMDR     to.” The effect is usually permanent.   Perhaps you or someone you
        worked when she was having trouble   Most of her clients get to that point   know, could benefit from this type of
        with test anxiety, preventing her from   after a series of EMDR treatments.  treatment, please check out the Bal-
        moving to the next level of her educa-  I asked Ruth how the treatment   anced Life Therapy Center website for
        tion. Every time she sat down to take   works. Ruth explained that the EMDR   their services, or contact Ruth Gillis:
        an exam her anxiety level went up so   treatments are based a scientific    Balanced Life Therapy Center
        high that she could not complete it.   process of reprogramming the brain.   127 E. Lexington Avenue
        She told me it only took four EMDR   It’s a process of disconnecting the fear   El Cajon, CA 92020
        sessions with a certified therapist to   and anxiety from the nervous system,   619.341.4737
        overcome her fears, and she never   thereby reducing or eliminating the
        experienced this type of anxiety again.   effect of those feelings connected to

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