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What I Really Want Is.........................

          eal, natural, strong and                                                        point for your purchase needs
       Rpowerful beauty comes          “Taking Care                                       a basic guideline, starting
        from within your heart.                                                           with shopping for shoes late
           A magnificent way to                                                           in the day. Feet swell slightly
        balance your beauty is by                                                         throughout the course of the
        meditating. Meditation is like         of YOU”                                    day, so that's when they are
        a seed that helps you blos-                                                       at their largest. Wear the type
        som. Your mind, body, and                                                         of socks you expect to wear
        soul become fresh, delicate                                                       while walking. Be sure to
        and beautiful with a regular               By Debbie Storms                       have the salesperson mea-
        practice of meditation. It is a                                                   sure both of your feet there
        fabulous source in creating                                                       may be a slight difference in
        a change in every cell in the                                                     size between them. Mea-
        body. There are many books,                                                       surements should be taken
        online downloads and med-                                                         while you're standing, as feet
        itation guides available. The                                                     expand when they bear body
        world is your oyster.                                                             weight. Try on both shoes
           Which door will you open                                                       and walk around the store.
        to add beauty and value to                                                        Don't make the mistake of
        your life through meditation?                                                     thinking that the shoes will
           It is no secret that beauty                                                    be comfortable once they've
        on the outside comes at a                                                         been broken in. As with any
        price. I like to think of it as                                                   other purchase, check the
        one more way of taking care                                                       store's return policy at the
        of myself. Let's first consider                                                   time of your purchase. Seal
        that your skin is your largest                                                    your deal with a calm and
        organ. Let's not ignore it.                                                       positive attitude with walking
        Experts recommend wearing                                                         after your meditation. This
        sunscreen whenever we are                                                         healing and preventive care is
        in the sun. Let's protect it and                                                  out there waiting for you!
        choose a sunscreen that will                                                         Ready to enhance your
        offer you all the benefits. And                                                   natural beauty? There are as
        just because of its price, the                                                    many articles as there are
        more expensive the sunscreen                                                      lines of cosmetics. To save
        does not make the benefit                                                         yourself time and money go
        greater. Research shows a                                                         right to a great read “Don't Go
        valuable comparison by active                                                     to the Cosmetic Counter With-
        ingredients. Here are a few                                                       out Me” by 'The Cosmetic Cop'
        examples of three products                                                        Paula Begoun. A helpful way
        that have near or exactly the                                                     through the maze of beauty
        same concentration of active   (7%), and Oxybenzone (4%).   health risks. There are other   products is given to you in
        ingredients when researched   Both have near or exactly the   factors, and they need to be   Paula's book. The perfect
        by a consumer research group.  same concentration of active   considered, but this is a price   formula for looking fabulous
        Coppertone Water Babies SPF   ingredients as the Equate. The   point platform. A great source   without breaking the bank.
        50 and Vichy Capital Soleil 50   NO-AD Sport SPF 50 cost per   to selecting sunscreens is   The book offers guidelines
        Light Weight Foaming Lotion   ounce is 63 cents. Active in-  'Guide to Sunscreens' at ewg.  that will help you look great
        were $1.31 per ounce for the   gredients include Avobenzone  org/sunscreens. Stay cool!   and leave you plenty of time
        Coppertone and $5.94 per   (2.%), Homosalate (15.%), Octi-  Time spent outside    to do the things you really
        ounce for the Vichy! Equate   salate (5.%), and Oxybenzone   walking definitely deserves   enjoy in life.
        Ultra Protection Sunscreen   (5.%). There are other factors   a good pair of shoes. Today,   Find a few affirmations
        SPF 50, which is a Walmart   that make some sunscreens a   the options for comfortable   that will help build your
        store brand lotion, costs only   personal favorite, and that is   shoes has grown. Our walk-  self-esteem and take good
        56 cents an ounce at the time   the sensory aspects and ingre-  ing shoes are not the best   care of YOU!
        of the comparison. Active   dient preference of sunscreen.   place to save a few dollars   What I really want is.............
        ingredients include Avoben-  The products outlined here   that in the long run may end   Let me know what you
        zone (3%), Homosalate (13%),   offer a range of price and help   up being spent on injuries   have in mind.
        Octisalate (5%), Octocrylene   protect you from potential   and medical bills. A starting

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