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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

           S EWIN G  T O  MAKE                                                            home a healthy commission.

                                                                                          As a result of her personal
           Children's Dreams Come True                                                    investment in her career, she
                                                                                          brought about more sales for
                                                                                          the company. Bonnie attributes
                                                                                          the majority of this success to
                               By Janice Carter-Booth                                     reading a book in 1985 that
                                                                                          changed her life, entitled, The
                                                                                          Best Way For A Woman To
            ER NAME IS BONNIE      “How can I make sewing into   military patch. She even made   Make Money, by David King
        HBowe and she surely can   something more productive, for   a bib for a fire captain who   and Karen Levine. That book
        sew! She is truly an inspira-  more children”? She told me, “I   delivered a baby in his fire   advocated that being in sales
        tion! I wasn't kidding about   know I can't cure them, but I   truck. These are only a few of   was the way for this to happen
        the way she sews, it is simply   can put a smile on their faces”.   the many wonderful, selfless   for women.
        impeccable. She sews mostly   This tells me her petite size has   acts that Bonnie has contrib-  So a few years later, with
        for babies and small children.   nothing to do with her very big   uted through out our many   her daughters now grown, she
        Everything from bibs, burps   and generous heart!      communities.               made a bold move. With just
        cloths, bedding, to toy animals.   She told me she wanted   When Bonnie was a child   a high school education she
        She also make stunning aprons   to show that one individual   herself, it was her dad that was   trekked off to Silicon Valley,
        for all ages. She will customize   on their own can make a real   the nurturing parent. She came   where the electronic business
        any item for anyone, washing   difference. Bonnie also said, “It   from humble beginnings living   was booming. She started
        and ironing each item. The   has not only benefited the chil-  in a small apartment in Chica-  working at first for small com-
        most astonishing thing about   dren, but gives my life more   go. As a child, she felt Chicago   panies as a sales rep. She even-
        this woman…every bit of her   meaning and purpose in re-  was a great, vibrant city to grow   tually started her own com-
        profits go to the “Make A Wish   tirement.” Besides the “Make-  up in the 50's and 60's. Her dad   pany selling to big companies
        Foundation”!               A-Wish Foundation”, Bonnie   was an accountant during the   like, Apple, Hewlett Packard,
           I asked her when and how   has made and donated her   week but, on the weekends, he   and a number of others.
        she learned her craft? She said.   beautiful work to a non-profit   took her to museums, art gal-  When Bonnie and her
        “It was really to do with eco-  organization named, “Hearts   leries, and parks of all sizes. He   Aerospace engineer husband
        nomics.” First, she sewed ma-  & Hooves”. “Hearts & Hooves”   also once took her and some of   decided to retire, they wanted
        ternity clothes for herself, then   provides therapy miniature   her beautiful art work into the   to come to a warmer climate,
        crafting some for her children   horses which provide relief for   Chicago Tribune when she was   so they looked at a map and
        in an effort to save money.  autistic children.        only eight years old. The visit   saw a little red dot that caught
                                                               was a success when the news-  their eye. This dot would soon
                                                               paper actually published her   be known as Ramona and en-
                                                               cut out dolls at the bottom of a   ticed Bonnie and her husband
                                                               comic strip known as “Mopsy   to come down for a look before
                                                               Modes”.                    making such a big move.
                                                                  Bonnie's profession, how-  Instantly, they were hooked. It
                                                               ever, was very different from   had everything they wanted;
                                                               her creative passion of sewing.   quiet, sprawling, countryside,
                                                               At first, she worked as a sec-  but with town within driving
                                                               retary / office manager, for an   distance. Bonnie has her beau-
                                                               electronics company in Utah.   tiful sewing displayed at The
                                                               When the boss was at the   Poway Boardwalk every other
                                                               home office in Denver, Bonnie,   Sat. starting July 1st. from 8
                                                               would be out in the field,   until 2 and also at the Rancho
                                                               taking samples of electronic   Bernardo market every Friday
                                                               components to engineers and   from 9 to 1.
                                                               purchasing agents in order for   Bonnie is on facebook at
                                                               them to make PC boards. So   SweetDreams4kids/Bonnie
                                                               she bought a brief case and   Bowe. Check this page out to
                                                               jazzed up her outfits in an   see her beautiful work. She
           The idea to sew for chil-   Not only concentrated on   effort to have her image match   welcomes orders through
        dren came about when she re-  not-for-profits, Bonnie made   her sales ability. She promoted   messages and comments on
        turned to her love of sewing for   a personal contribution when   the components, and consid-  her page. Also her e-mail is
        her great-grandchildren about   she designed a boys' apron to   erably increased sales for the,
        6 years ago. Then she thought,   wear and display his fathers   company; therefore bringing   cell phone 760 525 0561.

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