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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

               Sohaila Handelsman                                                         by taking dance lessons from

                                                                                          the top dance instructors in

               THE STAR IN THE SKY                                                        every country.
                                                                                             In 1997 Sohaila returned
                                                                                          to San Diego and brought her
                                                                                          knowledge of dance to Palo-
                                  By Judith A. Habert                                     mar College and Poway Adult
                                                                                          Education and soon after that
                                                                                          opened her own studio adja-
           S THE MUSIC PLAYS                                                              cent to her home in a beauti-
        Atunes of faraway places                                                          ful part of Escondido. "I loved
        Sohaila closes her eyes and                                                       watching women metamor-
        moves as she has a thousand                                                       phize from shy introverted
        times before. The moves are                                                       and often insecure women to
        natural to Sohaila; she has                                                       proud secure and sensuous
        been doing them since the                                                         dancers. As I watched them,
        age of 12 when she accom-                                                         I knew that if I added the five
        panied her mom to her first                                                       senses into the movements,
        belly dancing class. “The                                                         then I could connect with the
        minute I picked up the veil I                                                     women on an even deeper
        was hooked.” Four decades                                                         level. I was reconnecting
        later Sohaila is still moving                                                     them to their body, minds,
        with the music.                                                                   and soul through their own
           Sohaila's original career                                                      five senses and ancient belly
        goal was to become a police                                                       dance movements. I watched
        officer, and she was on her                                                       as they broke out of the
        way to do so, but school was                                                      monotony of their everyday
        expensive, and she need-                                                          life, and were transported to
        ed a way to pay for it. She                                                       a beautiful memory that they
        decided to utilize her love of                                                    could relive through their
        belly dancing to subsidize her                                                    movements."
        tuition. In 1984, at the age of                                                      Sohaila loves watching
        18, she had become so well                                                        how much her students
        known for her dancing skills                                                      change from week to week.
        that she was offered a job in                                                     “We have mirrors completely
        Mexico City to open the first                                                     around the studio. My reason
        Lebanese Restaurant there.                                                        for this is that some women
        "So, I thought to myself at the                                                   don’t like their bodies, but
        time, do I want to stay in col-                                                   women have to love them-
        lege, become a cop, and get                                                       selves, above anything else.”
        shot at, or do I want to dance                                                    Sohaila teaches a ten-week
        all over the world." As you can                                                   program called the
        see Sohaila made her choice,                                                         Sense-ual Woman® Wom-
        and she has been profession-                                                      an’s Luxurious Lifestyle.
        ally dancing ever since.                                                             Sohaila soon realized that
           Sohaila remained at the                                                        she could create a fitness in-
        restaurant for close to 10                                                        spired program which would
        years. During this time, she   journey in Greece where she   nothing like what we see on   be more fun than any other
        was asked to go to Egypt   spent five years; she worked   TV today, it was a magnificent   program out there. “I devel-
        to dance with a group of   on the original Love Boat   place back then."          oped NewVo® Fitness which
        musicians. She quickly fell in   (minus Captain Stubing)   While dancing in these   is a multi-cultural inspired
        love with the Middle East, and  and danced all over Turkey,   exotic locations, she would   fitness system that incorpo-
        in 1993 she got the offer that   Istanbul, Egypt, Jordan, the   take the time to incorporate   rates music from around the
        would make her dream come   Greek Islands, and Syria. "Syr-  local dance moves into her   world in 45 min. I've traveled
        true. She started her dancing   ia was breathtaking she adds,   repertoire growing her skills   around the world and made

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