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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        a point of taking classes in all   of Angel’s. It is a Multicul-  some when I was a baby. My   happen. It's great to have a
        of these countries. I learned   tural Woman’s Networking   parents divorced when I was   team, but if you can't find
        very specific moves, from all   group. Sohaila lights up as   four. One day my dad was   the team you want, then
        of the best instructors. I now   she explains the concept   there, the next thing I knew   just go do it yourself."
        incorporate these move-    to their new networking    he was gone. I've always been
        ments in my NewVo® fitness   group. “Our Multicultural   very close to my mom. She is
        program.”                  Woman’s Networking group   Italian, and my father is Ger-
           I asked Sohaila if NewVo®   is awesome. Some groups   man.” So, of course, I couldn't
        Fitness was similar to Zum-  just don’t treat members as if   resist asking where the name
        ba® and she responded with   they are important enough.   Sohaila came from. "Jo Ellen is
        the following. “Zumba® was   A networking group should   my real name. When I got on
        made by a man thinking how   be about the members. Our   stage for the first time to per-
        a woman should be moving   group includes members     form the drummer turned to
        I’m a woman knowing how a   from all walks of life. We have   my teacher and asked for my
        woman should be moving.”   learned that every culture   name so he could introduce
           There is one thing that   has something different and   me. I said my name is Jojo
        this woman does not lack   unique to offer. Right now,   and the drummer just shook
        and that is energy. You could   we have members from   his head, my teacher who was
        feel it bouncing off the walls   Mexico, Hawaii, Colombia,   Persian blurted out 'Sohaila.' I
        of her studio. Her husband   and Peru, just to name of   have had this name for some
        of three years, Angel, was   few. The concept is to have a   40 odd years.” Sohalia means
        nearby in his office during   minimum of 50 women from   the star in the sky, which most
        our meeting, and she pulled   different places so that we   definitely defines Sohaila.
        him into the discussion a few   can learn about the different   She even has her own dance
        times and when you put the   cultures. Our motto is ‘World   group “The Sohaila Shining
        two of them together, look   class vision, ultimate success’   Stars, who perform all over
        out world. They are one of the   We also make a point of not   San Diego.            To learn more or sign up
        most dynamic couples I have   calling our businesses small   If you can’t make it to a   for one of her classes visit
        ever been around.          businesses we refer to them   live class with Sohaila, you   Sohaila at:
           This is the first marriage   as ‘Expandable Businesses.'   can sign up for one of her
        for Sohaila, who was intro-  We believe that if you have   many online belly dance and   Website: www.SohailaInter-
        duced to Angel by way of   the small business mindset,   fitness classes.
        her Mom. Angel runs an     you will always be a small    I asked Sohaila what ad-  Senseual Womans' Luxury
        International Entertainment   business. Upcoming events   vice she had for our readers?   Lifestyle
        company, and he was looking   for this group include a “girl's   She quickly responded,   http://sohailainternational.
        for dancers. Mom gave him   night in” where members     ”Stop listening to everyone   com/senseualwomanpro-
        her daughter's number, and   will show up in the pajamas,   else. We are inundated with   gram/
        they became friends, and it   watch movies, eat popcorn   so much information, and a   MultiCultural Women's Net-
        slowly grew to more. When he  and then mastermind. The   lot of it is bad information.   work Group:
        was at Sohaila's home helping  goal is not only to improve   You don't know what you   http://www.multiculturalbusi-
        on the property, he fell off a   your business but to have   don't know. So, sit back
        ladder while trimming a tree,   fun doing it. On top of all of   and think about what you   ens--network.html
        and had a severe brain injury.   the fun events like this that   really want to do. Not what   Youtube: Sohaila Internation-
        Doctors were shocked that   are planned they have some   others want you to do.   al Belly Dance Instructor
        he survived." His skull was   world class speakers sched-  Just be authentic. Every   LinkedIn: https://www.linke-
        cracked open it was horrible.   uled to present before the   woman can do this. Just
        When he came to, I asked   group" I was so impressed    give yourself credit and   Facebook: https://www.
        him to marry me because I   with her concept that I joined   hang around people who
        wanted to take care of him   right on the spot.         empower you, not around   tional/
        for the rest of his life" Being   With a name like Sohaila   those who bring you down.   Twitter:
        around them it is clear to see   you would think she was   Stick to what you believe in   Sohaila01
        they definitely take care of   from the Middle East, born to   and be strong. Last but not   Pinterest:
        each other.                dance, but no, she was born   least, Sohaila left me with
           One of her latest en-   in Hartford Connecticut.” I was   the following words. "Wom-  Phone: 760-519-9615 (Cell)
        deavors was the brainchild   a Marine brat; we traveled   en need to make things

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