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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

           O SAY that Melanie      she wanted to learn as much  for over 6 years. She also   them last longer and in
        TTrehan’s love of skin     as she could about skin care  serves as a trainer for other   the end are a much better
        care goes back to her      so that when women need-   estheticians who wish to    value."
        childhood would not be an   ed help with their skin, she   further their career by earn-  Melanie has been
        exaggeration. How many     would be fully prepared and  ing this accreditation.   called upon regularly by
        six-year old girls do you   knowledgeable. She went to    However, Melanie did    FOX News as an educator
        know who regularly applied  school to obtain her certifi-  not stop there she went on   for the beauty industry.
        rose toner and moisturizer?   cation as a Medical Esthe-  to develop her own line of   She has done segments on
        “I was probably the only   tician, working in this field   Clinical skincare products.   various trends in skin care
        one,” Melanie laughs. “This                                                       and demonstrated different
        was my grandmother's daily                                                        methods to create overall
        routine, and I just loved                                                         skin health. She has also
        doing it with her."                                                               served as a celebrity beauty
           This should have been                                                          consultant and advanced
        a clue to the direction in                                                        makeup artist.
        which Melanie's career                                                               Always wanting to
        would go. "I started out in                                                       improve her knowledge,
        nursing school, but soon                                                          Melanie gained training in
        realized that this was not                                                        oncology skin care, which
        my true calling. Luckily my                                                       was an area I was not
        parents were cool enough                                                          familiar with, so I asked if
        to let me switch focus and                                                        she could explain what this
        choose a career that would                                                        training entailed. "When
        allow me to truly do what I                                                       you are treating individuals
        loved."                                                                           who are diagnosed with
           Melanie started                                                                cancer, there are certain
        modeling and acting when                                                          factors that have to be
        she was a child and was                                                           considered regarding skin
        soon introduced to the art                                                        care. You must be sure that
        of makeup. It was during          Melanie Trehan                                  you are using the right
        her time preparing to be a                                                        products that will neither
        nurse that she realized this     LOVE THE SKIN                                    interfere or cause adverse
        field was not for her. What                                                       reactions to the cancer
        made her happy was when                 YOU’RE IN                                 patient during surgery and
        she was making women                                                              treatment and also during
        look beautiful with her                                                           their post cancer period.
        natural makeup artistry                                                           Certain combinations of
        skills. So, at the young age   in North Carolina for seven   Her line has grown to 60   chemicals that would work
        of 17, Melanie landed a    years. When she moved to   different products, which   on a patient who is not
        position with Clinique, the   California, a state that does   are all dermatologist tested   going through this health
        top cosmetic and skincare   not recognize the Medical   and approved and compet-  challenge will not be helpful
        company at the time.       Esthetician certification,   itively priced, so all women   to someone who is receiv-
        She loved what she was     Melanie went on to earn the  can have this level of skin   ing Chemotherapy or other
        doing, but there was still   title of Master Esthetician,   care products within their   treatments for their disease.
        something that bothered    which is recognized every-  budget. Although Clinical   Because of this knowledge,
        her. Melanie started to    where, (this accreditation   skincare products are more   I have added a separate skin
        feel that instead of just   is granted by the NCEA    pricey than department      care line catering to cancer
        covering up skin issues for   National Coalition of Esthe-  store brands, Melanie   patients.”
        her clients, what she really   ticians Association). This   adds "This higher level   Getting to know Mel-
        wanted to do was fix their   certification is the highest   of skin care products are   anie I was certain of one
        problems, so the makeup    accreditation that can be   well worth the price. They   thing, she is a perfectionist
        applications could be done   held in her field. Melanie   contain a higher amount of   in everything she does. For
        to enhance a client's beauty   has worked in the aesthetics  the ingredients necessary   the past seven years, she
        and not just to cover up   industry for over 19 years,   to produce the results you   has been the owner of HD
        unsightly skin issues.     and has held the certifica-  require and can be used in   Beauty Skincare Boutique,
           Melanie decided that    tion of Master Esthetician   smaller quantities making   which is located in a lovely

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