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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

        salon in Rancho Bernardo,   only get this facial at my of-
        where she has been for the   fice because I create it. This
        past three years.          facial treatment will address
           At the HD Beauty Skin-  the six signs of aging: reduce
        care Boutique, you will find   the appearance of fine lines
        services that are not avail-  and pores, improve skin
        able anywhere else in San   tone and texture, and reveal
        Diego. I asked Melanie to   softer brighter skin.”
        share with us her top four     4. 24 karat liquid Gold
        most popular procedures.   Facial. “This facial can be
           1. Nonsurgical face     summed up in two words
        lift “This is one of my most   ‘Pretty luxurious.’ This is
        popular procedures, and it   a very special and unique
        really is amazing. I am the   treatment because no one
        only one with this specific   in our area offers it. Our   Welcome Sohaila Handelsman to The San Diego
        device in all of Southern   gold leaf facial is great for   PINK PAGES. Sohaila is our newest member
        California. It can take the   people going to an event.    of the PINK PAGES. Our complete Directory is
        place of a regular facelift   This treatment gives you an   generally included in the pages of San Diego Woman
        and is great for someone   immediate glow and hydra-       Magazine. However, with the amount of material
        who does not want to do    tion boost to the skin. The     we needed to cover in our 10th Anniversary Issue,
        injectables or surgery. This   24K Gold Facial lifts and   we did not include it in this issue. Join us today and
        procedure is great for any-  firms your skin to reduce     for one VERY LOW PRICE you can be in our online
        one 30 and over. You will   the appearance of fine lines,   directory and in each issue of our magazine for a
        leave our Boutique looking   wrinkles and brightens the    full 12 months.
        years younger. The nonsur-  skin. A potent anti-aging
        gical facelift is a revolution-  formulation using pure
        ary new skin rejuvenation   24K gold. rejuvenates and      Tell the World About Your Woman Owned Business
        system that effectively    nourishes the skin, giving it   Today! And Let Them Say… I Saw You In the PINK
        stimulates new collagen    a long lasting youthful glow.   PAGES!
        growth in the deeper skin   Cleopatra slept in a mask
        layers, replacing aged and   of gold every night. The
        sun damaged collagen,      Queen of the Ching Dynas-
        plumping the skin, smooth-  ty had gold rolled on her
        ing wrinkles, tightening   face every day. This is pretty         Sohaila Handelsman
        skin and muscles.”         good company to be in”
           2. Derma Sweep. “Our        In addition to these four                       Sohaila is the founder of Sohaila
        proprietary bristle treat-  listed above, HD Beauty                            International, the umbrella com-
        ment tips gently lift away   Skincare Boutique offers a                        pany for The Sense-ual Woman®
                                                                                       retreats and programs, Belly
        the top layer of skin and   total of about 12 different                        Dance and NewVo® fitness
        increase circulation to    facials, most of which can                          classes. She has over 40 years
        enhance lymphatic drain-   be found on their website at                        of performing worldwide and in-
        age, oxygenation, and the   https://theskincareboutique.                       structing women of all ages in
                                                                                       Belly Dance and Personal Image.
        delivery of key skin nu-   com/. I don’t know about                            Sohaila works with women of all
        trients. Exclusive infusion   you, but as soon as I’m                          body types and fitness levels,
        solutions formulated with   done writing this article, I                       teaching them how to rediscover
                                                                                       their feminine power thru using
        cutting-edge ingredients   am booking a visit at HD      their five sacred senses and ancient Middle Eastern move-
        are added to target specif-  Beauty Skincare Boutique    ment.  She is the producer of more than 450 online classes, 12
        ic skincare concerns, for   for one of these decadent    Signature dance dvd’s, and has authored three books. Sohaila
        visible results in just one   facials, because after all,   has been been featured in commercials, music videos and
                                                                 movies and currently hosts her own webcast, Sohaila TV.   She
        treatment.”                don’t we deserve it?          and her husband, Angel, recently founded and launched the
           3. Signature HD Beauty      HD Beauty Skincare        Global Multicultural Women’s Network Group, bringing to-
        Facial - “This is a custom-  Boutique is located at 16486   gether business women of all cultures and ethnic back-
                                                                 grounds to help each other succeed in the local and Global
        ized 60-minute facial tai-  Bernardo Center Drive        marketplaces.
        lored to each person based   Suite 120 San Diego CA 
        on whatever your concerns   92128. Call 619.838.5353
        are with your skin. You can   for an appointment

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