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Would You Be A Sugar Baby?
ATING AND FINDING for money or gifts was one sulted in a relationship lasting
Dthat perfect someone that usually left the female SURVEY RESULTS: more than three years
isn't always easy. Many labeled as a less than moral 34% of users escaped to one 55% of men report that
women have been searching individual. ጎ ጎ
of these destinations with their
one of these three items were
and searching, but yet some Today many women think; partner in the last six months: requested from sugar babies:
always seem to keep coming differently, they feel that • Dubai • Chanel bag
up empty. Society mores have when you get right down to • Honolulu • Car
changed, and choices are not it, how different was this from • Morocco • Plastic surgery
so black and white anymore. dating. "When a guy takes me • Saint Tropez
There are many young out to an expensive restaurant
women out there who are or a show, he almost always • Fiji
• Bora Bora
tired of meeting the same expects to be paid back for
men, many of whom may be his investment. So why can't a ጎ Less than 20% of men
immature and though they woman do the same." ex- were seeking an arrange-
may give them pleasure in plains a young 20 something ment with a woman under
the bedroom, they fail them woman. the age of 22, while 36%
in the remaining areas of their To the right are some of of men sought women
life. the statistics that Arrange- between the ages of 25
So what is a beautiful shared with us. and 32
young girl to do these days? This information made us ጎ Surprisingly, only 13%
Well a large number of them stand up and take notice of male users on the site
have clicked their way over of the growing number of admitted to being married
to a site called Arrangements. young women who threw the
com, a new dating site that image of Prince Charming ጎ Almost 80% of men
lets couples decide on the out the window. Instead, they are seeking an arrange-
terms of their relationship chose going out, having a ment for 2+ years, while
upfront. good time, providing sex if less than 20% of men are
What woman wouldn’t required, it isn't always, and looking for short-term
want romantic getaways, lav- at the end of the day they companionship for less
ish gifts and a generous allow- weren't looking for a ring than six months
ance set forth as part of their on their finger, but instead, ጎ 27% of users live in one
dating relationship? So it is no an apartment rent free or a of the following cities:
wonder that women may now brand new Lexus right off the • Miami
be treating their relationships showroom floor. • New York
like any other business deal, One of the "Sugar Babies," • Los Angeles ጎ Breakdown of allowances
and making their needs and marveled at how well this • Denver that men allow their partner in
desires known right up front. arrangement worked. "I can • Atlanta the arrangement:
In the old days, they used finish law school now without • 52%: $2K - $4K
to call a woman who was waiting tables. I am taken ጎ Almost 75% percent of men • 32%: $5K - $7K
involved in a relationship out on extraordinary dates, identifying as sugar daddies • 13%: $8K - $10K+
like this a "kept woman," and and the sex is damn good, so work in one of the following ጎ 83% of men said they
they were almost always why would I feel bad about professions: would pay for rent over $1,500/
May- December relationships, the relationship I have with • Lawyer month
with the woman being young my "Sugar Daddy? It suits my • Realtor
and beautiful while the only needs perfectly." • Surgeon ጎ Almost 10% of users have
requirement for the man was Here is some information • Politician signed a contract, agreeing to
wealth. This type of relation- that we found very enlighten- • Corporate executive the terms and duration of their
ship was only spoken of in ing and thought you might as • The average age range arrangement
whispers or expressed with well. This survey was done by between sugar babies and So, after reading these
rolls of the eyes when men-, which will daddies: 13-21 years statistics and examining
tioned as a serious relation- give you some insight into the ጎ 18% of arrangements have your own set of acceptable
ship. This type of relationship lives of sugar daddies and the resulted in traditional marriag- and unacceptable behavior,
which openly suggested sex women they spoil. es, while nearly 25% have re- would you be a Sugar Baby?