Page 58 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
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ROWING UP IN A MICHI- get through this experience During Dr. Gohel’s residen- San Diego Woman Maga-
Ggan suburb, just outside and had her smiling again. I cy, she also shadowed a local zine applauds all of the Den-
of Detroit, Dr. Shivali Gohel thought how wonderful they periodontist. “I absorbed as tists and Doctors out there
was destined to get into the were and how great it was to much as possible during my who step up to help Veterans
healthcare profession. "My be able to take care of a child time shadowing. Everything I with their health care needs.
father was a general surgeon who was so frightened. So, learned from him I took back After all these men and wom-
and would bring home video I entered into dental school to school and worked hard to en have done for us and our
tapes of gallbladder surgeries with my mind set on pediatric master." She started working freedom, it is good to know
for my sisters and I to watch, dentistry.” full time in San Diego upon that there are people in our
in hopes that the love of As time passed in dental graduation, and she and her medical community who are
school, Dr. Gohel realized husband could finally end doing all they can to look out
that there was another area their long distance relation- for them.
of dentistry that she found ship. I asked Dr. Gohel for
intriguing. "Half way through Dr. Gohel loves to travel advice she could give to our
dental school I did my first and has dreams of one day readers regarding the path
periodontal surgical assist. I traveling to every continent. for those who might want to
was working on a 17-year-old She and her husband have a go into the dental field:
girl who was previously in a good start with recent trips “The field of Dentistry
car accident and lost her front to India, Dubai, New Zealand, is wide open for women.
tooth. We had to wait until and Croatia. Their newest ad- Some years back dental
she was fully grown to pro- dition to the family, a poodle/ schools only had a student
vide a long term solution for terrier mix puppy that they body of about 20% female.
her. Our plan was to build up adopted at the Helen Wood- Today about 50% of dental
bone so we could then place ward Animal Shelter, might students are female. Dental
an implant. We did not want curtail their travels for the school is a lot of work, but
this young girl to deal with a time being. it all pays off. Work hard,
denture or flipper for the rest Perhaps one of the most shadow people, figure out
of her life. It was amazing to outstanding facts about Dr. what your passion is, and it is
me when I realized that you Gohel is her desire to give easy after that. Dentistry is a
back. She has graciously wonderful field especially for
Dr. Shivali Gohel donated much of her time women who want flexibility
in their work life. You can
working in conjunction
with the Veterans Adminis-
as a dentist. I am currently
tration in what is called the have a family and a career
medicine would rub off on could grow bone and that as "Choice Program." This is a organizing the Women’s
his children. I would watch a periodontist I could help a program in which Veterans Dental Connection with an-
it almost like a scary movie, patient such as this young girl who require dental care but other orthodontist colleague
peeking through my fingers, get her smile back.” cannot get appointments and friend, Laura. We want
because I was curious." Dr. This was the changing quickly through the VA, can to grow it to include panel
Gohel didn't end up becom- moment for Dr. Gohel. She choose a local dentist who discussions and professional
ing a general surgeon, but had made up her mind that participates in the program topics, but perhaps most
she did go into a surgical field her true love of dentistry was to take care of their dental importantly to discuss the
of dentistry. in the periodontal specialty. needs, thus speeding up work/family balance and
Initially, she thought she However, it did mean three their wait time and getting how it can be successfully
would specialize in pediatric additional years of training, quality dental care at no cost achieved. This also allows
dentistry, as a result of her and she had been involved in to them. Dr. Gohel adds, "It’s for networking among the
first dental experience shad- a long distance relationship been so rewarding being able female dentists in the area.”
owing a pediatric dentist. with the man who would to help Veterans, especially in Along with these positions
"The experience was amaz- become her husband. “He situations where they might she holds at the San Diego
ing. On the first day in the of- wasn’t really thrilled about not get the care they need. I County Dental Society, Dr.
fice, they were working with us being apart for an addi- am also on the committee for Gohel is involved with the
a special needs child who was tional three years, but he was the San Diego Dental Health California Society of Perio-
very nervous, and everyone then, and has always been, Foundation Gala. All proceeds dontists. She is excited to an-
around her was doing all they extremely supportive. By the from this event go to the nounce her next adventure
could to calm her. When her time I completed my dental John Geis, DDS Dental Clinic of buying into a periodontal
nerves got the best of her, training we had been in a at Veteran’s Village. There will practice.
and she started getting ill, long distance relationship for be a live and silent auction For more information
the dentist and her assistants ten years, including the first to raise money as part of this contact Dr. Gohel at dr.shivali.
were right there to help her three years of our marriage." event.”