Page 54 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
P. 54

F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A           desert growth of shrubs and small trees.   in Oak Creek just above Sedona. Warn-
        Ibreath of fresh air, look no further   There are ancient ruins of a 700-year-old  ing! If you do decide to join in, wear old
        than Sedona, Arizona. Gazing upon all   Native American cliff dwelling to view   jeans because the seat of your pants will
        of the glowing red rock formations and   and learn about the customs, myths,   be worn out as you go down the slide
        feeling the warmth of the area makes   and legends of the native people. I really   and are dumped into a natural pool. It
        you relax. The positive energy in this Ar-  enjoyed this tour, and you will too if you   is a great way to cool down when the
        izona town can be felt everywhere you   have a love of history. It is also a great   weather is hot. Kids of all ages love it.
        go. There is a magical quality about it.   way to soak up the serene environment.   Peak times to visit Sedona are in
        The landscape is fascinating with pine-  Prices vary from $59.00 to $110.00 for   Spring and Fall with temperatures in the
        tree lined forests to the north in Flagstaff  adults and $54.00 to $99.00 for children.   mid-60s to low 80s. Summer can be just
        and the desert city life of Phoenix to the   Should you be of the more artistic   plain hot with highs in the mid to high
        south. The sky at night is mesmerizing   type, Tlaquepaque Village in the heart of  90s. Winter – mid November through
        as it is lit up with countless stars.   Sedona might be more to your liking. It   January can bring occasional snow and
                                                                                 cold temperatures.
        A Sedona Adventure                                                       relaxing get-away. You can do as little
                                                                                    For me, Sedona is the ultimate

                                                                                 or as much as you want. It is up to you.
                                                                                 Star-gazing is a wonderful past-time.
                                 By Jane Baxley                                     We stayed for two nights at the
                                                                                 Poco Diablo Resort in Sedona. The staff
                                                                                 was very friendly and professional. The
                                                                                 room was spacious and clean and felt
                                                                                 very cozy. The bed was very comfortable
                                                                                 and the linens were of great quality. We
                                                                                 loved having a fireplace in our room
                                                                                 since the nights were cool. Not all rooms
                                                                                 have fireplaces, so be sure to ask for one
                                                                                 that does. There was an outdoor heated
                                                                                 pool and hot tub that looked very invit-
                                                                                 ing. We did enjoy a wonderful massage
                                                                                 at The Spa of Poco Diablo. Bikes are
                                                                                 available to rent as well so you can take
                                                                                 a bike tour of Sedona. They also offer
                                                                                 wedding planning services. There are
                                                                                 tennis courts and a 9-hole golf course
                                                                                 plus a fitness center. I did not find any-
                                                                                 thing lacking as far as amenities were
                                                                                 concerned. We were very pleased.
                                                                                    The resort itself was very clean and
                                                  Cathedral Rock Sedona, Arizona  the staff was polite and professional.
                                                                                 Making sure you enjoyed yourself was
                                                                                 their top priority. The resort is centrally
           There are many activities available   is named for an artsy suburb of Guada-  located and the grounds are well kept. A
        for you. If you like communing with   lajara, Mexico and is made up of a col-  full service concierge is available to take
        nature, there is an offering of hiking ad-  lection of art galleries, craft shops, and   care of any requests you may have.
        ventures to Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock,   restaurants. I love to shop so this kept   T Carl’s restaurant located at the
        Bear Mountain and Courthouse Rock.   us busy for hours. The builder set out   resort was very nice. We ate there on
           You may also partake in a Pink Jeep   to replicate a colonial Mexican village   our first night. The service was friendly
        Tour. There are eight different tours   and he did just that. The architecture is   and the food was tasty, but a little pricey.
        available ranging from one to three   beautiful. The bell tower at Tlaquepaque   Our second night we went to El Rincon
        hours. Five of the tours are via jeep and   is a Sedona landmark. If you happen to   Restaurante Mexicano in Tlaquepaque.
        three are hiking. An adventure guide   be there in December, as we were, snow,   The food was great – traditional Mexi-
        will accompany you and point out    Christmas lights and decorations adorn   can food and the prices were good.
        points of interest including the geology   the village and will most definitely put   For two nights at the resort we paid
        of the cliffs, wildlife and plant life. There   you in the spirit. Bundle up because it   $166 per night. The value was great and
        is also a four wheeling tour that will   can be quite chilly in the winter.  well worth the price. We would definite-
        make you hang on tight as you go up     There is also Slide Rock Natural   ly stay there again when our wanderlust
        and down steep arroyos zipping through  Park. Slide Rock is a natural water chute   takes us back to Sedona.

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