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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

           Deeba: “One of your recent pieces is   but I’d love to connect with other cre-  what I value above all else, so I hope to
        from the Waking Life Collection titled,   atives and become more active within   encourage this passion for creativity and
        The Sun Also Rises. Can you explain the   the collaborative community. Participat-  exploration in my own home as much as
        process and your intention behind this   ing in public and or charitable works is   possible, too.”
        painting?”                          definitely a goal of mine for the short-  In conclusion, I find the work of
           Stefanie: “The Sun Also Rises is one   term future.”                  this established artist fascinating as she
        of my favorite paintings in its series as it   Deeba: “After reading your profile   uses threads of psychology to evoke
        best represents the synthesis of all of my   online, I discovered your involvement in   impressions in her work. Her mastery of
        inspirations in one work. In my Waking   charitable acts for your community. Can   technique goes without saying and plays
        Life Collection, each work reveals some   you elaborate on this a bit? What are you   a concrete role in creating a mystical
        sort of visual or contextual phenome-  currently doing to ‘give back’?”  dialogue in her paintings. Her imagery
        non. The multiple suns are meant to ref-  Stefanie: “This is something I’ve   is anchored in reality while her brush
        erence the way that time moves in our   been building upon. Besides donating   evokes an ethereal point of view. The ap-
        dream state, or exists in our memories.   works to local nonprofit or charitable   proach she takes stems from an educated
        I aspire to create pictorial conversations   foundations for fundraisers or auctions   life and taps into the flow of the divine,
        that are an aggregate of past and pres-  (The San Diego Mission, AIGA, Home   while playing with our unconscious.
        ent- that elicit feelings of both nostalgia   Aid, FAB Authority), I’m also a co-lead-  What else can I say, except you have
        and possibility.”                   er of the San Diego Chapter of the   to see her work and experience it for
                                            Yellow Collective- a creative group of   yourselves? And if you like the experi-
                                            female entrepreneurs and small business   ence, commission one for your home.
                                            owners.”                             Truly, every artist lives to create and
                                                Deeba: “As busy as you are, do you   loves commissions! For more on Ste-
                                            accept commissions and if so, what is the   fanie’s work and process or to see more
                                            process one would go through in commis-  of her beautiful art, visit her website at
                                            sioning a piece from you?”  or find her on
                                                Stefanie: “As you know, often people   social media at @stefaniebalesfineart
                                            see art-buying as a daunting or financial-
                                            ly impractical experience, but personally   Stefanie is currently being represented
                                            commissioned work is the most afford-   by both Adelman Fine Art in Little
                                            able avenue for acquiring art that is both   Italy, and Sparks Gallery in downtown
                                            original and personal to the buyer. I love   San Diego, and her work is in
                                            commissions because they enable me to   numerous private collections across
                            The Sun Also Rises  work outside of my academic mold and   the country and internationally. She
                                            to create a product that’s both reflective   has been published extensively, with
           Deeba: “And let’s look at one of your   of my own style and an interpretation of   recent features on the TLC network, in
        architectural paintings. How about your   the client’s vision. It’s a really fun expe-  Southern California Homes, Fine Art
        Power Line Series? One can literally hear   rience making other people’s ideas come   Connoisseur, Art Ltd, KUSI, Pacific
        the smacking of electricity coming off   to life. Anyway, contacting me through   San Diego Magazine, and the Santa
        those lines, and yet the images are paint-  my website or social media is the easiest      Barbara Sentinel.
        ed with light and warmth of color which   way to touch base about a potential com-
        creates contrasting interest.       mission or partnership.”
           Stefanie: This series was actually   Deeba: “Where do you see yourself in
        completed quite some years ago. In   five years?”
        college I studied light and vacancy in   Stefanie: “My goal is to become a
        architecture- the power lines were an   vital part of the local creative commu-
        offshoot of this and a way to expand   nity through collaboration, charity, and
        upon my exploration of the juxtaposi-  teaching. Despite it seeming secondary
        tion of perspective and atmosphere.   to my fine art career, teaching has always
           Deeba: “Have you participated in   been a strength of mine and working
        any public installations of your work?   with youth or novice artists in some
        One could see ‘Castles in the Sky’ as an   capacity, whether through formal edu-
        installation at a library or university.”  cation, sharing my craft, or just encour-
           Stefanie: “Not as of yet, but as I   aging young creatives to pursue their
        progress in my career this is definitely   passions, is definitely something I see
        something that interests me. Being an   myself continually engaging in. My own
        artist is, in its essence, a solo venture,   family and two-year-old son are truly            Castles in the Sky

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