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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                  Nancy and The Nice Guys

                                                By Janice C. Booth

          T SOUNDS LIKE A             Nancy explored different  area. She proclaimed “That   event during the holidays.
        Iband, but they don’t ever   charitable organizations, but   was quite an eye-opener.”  ‘Christmas at the Q’ is their
        toot their own horn. That’s   it wasn’t until 1989, when   On her adventure out in   opportunity to give back
        what I’m going to do in this   she found the Nice Guys   the west, Nancy also found   in an even bigger way. In
        article.                   she felt they were a perfect   not just a charity group,   December, the Nice Guys
           The Nice Guys of San    fit! When inquiring about   but a wonderful man that   invite over 700 disadvan-
        Diego, were founded in     the group her 1st question   captured her heart, Zach   taged families to a day of fun
        1979, and have given over   was “Are girls allowed?”   Zacharias. Zach and Nancy   events that culminates in the
        $20 million to needy San   when they said yes, she was   were married in 2004, built   check-out line where each
        Diegans, including our mil-  onboard.                 a beautiful home and a great   family gets bags of grocer-
        itary families stationed here.   On down the road in   life together.             ies(including a turkey), and
        There are approximately 135   1998, Nancy became the      Zach also became a      a Walmart gift card to help
        active members in the Nice   1st woman president of the   member of the Nice Guys   with clothing and other
        Guys and they all work on a   group. On the topic of first,   and he became president of   household items.
        completely voluntary basis.                                                          The main task of the
        The group has no offices or                                                       Nice Guys is to obtain do-
        paid staff. The Nice Guys                                                         nations to help San Diego’s
        do all the research on their                                                      needy. Keeping in mind that
        charity cases to make sure                                                        because the organization has
        the donations are placed                                                          no overhead, for every $1
        with people truly in need.                                                        that is donated to the club,
        These are individuals and                                                         $1 goes back out into the
        families that cannot get help                                                     community.
        within the ‘system’. For ex-                                                         The Nice Guys host 2
        ample, they might help with                                                       annual events a spring auc-
        food, house bills, bus passes                                                     tion and the fall event hon-
        or clothing just to get these                                                     oring a leading San Diegan,
        people back on their feet. So                                                     called the Nice Guy of the
        one might say the Nice Guys                                                       Year. This October 28th, the
        pick up the slack.                                                                Nice Guys will honor Padre
           Nancy Hamzey, a native                                                         Co-owner, Peter Seidler.
        of Michigan, came out to   she was also the 1st female   the group in 2009! Nancy   Peter Seidler is one of the
        California in 1984, on the in-  in her extended family to   and Zach are now retired,   leading local philanthro-
        sistence of her brother, Bob.   graduate from college.  but still pursue their charity   pists in San Diego. His main
        She took a sabbatical from    Nancy’s support came    work and they love to travel.   focus is working with the
        her teaching job of 12 years   from a close knit family. She   One of their frequent desti-  community to help alleviate
        to check out this wondrous   is the eldest of 5 children.   nations is Australia, where   homelessness. For tickets or
        place we call San Diego.   Dad was a door to door in-  Zach’s daughter and family   to make a donation, contact:
           She fell in love with the   surance salesman and mom   reside. Nancy’s life felt com-
        area and began a career in   stayed home to care for not   plete now that she inher-  If you want to learn
        real estate, 1st as a realtor,   only Nancy, her brother Bob,  ited a fabulous daughter, a   more about the Nice Guys
        then as a title representa-  but also, triplets Paul, Paula   wonderful son-in-law, and   or would like to donate to
        tive. Even though Nancy    and Pamela! Nancy gradu-   now two awesome Aussie      this worthy cause, you can
        pored herself into her work,   ated from Eastern Michigan   grandsons!            contact their email or send a
        I know because Nancy only   University with a Masters of   Back to the Nice Guys…  note to:
        does things with a 110% ef-  Arts, she then taught grades   not only do they have    Nice Guys of San Diego
        fort, she still wanted to give   2-9 in Taylor, Michigan, in a   monthly charity meetings,   PO BOX 881456
        back to the community.     HUD housing development    but they also have a massive   San Diego, CA 92108

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