Page 56 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
P. 56
most consumers don't understand is puter in distress, do look for a cred-
that there were only a handful of new ible organization that has zero neg-
viruses originated in 2016. This clear- ative COMMENTS feedback online
ly shows "viruses" effectively instill (simply “Google” the organization
fear into the mind of the consumer.
and their phone number) and ensure
SAFE Frequently, I have customers contact they're prepared ready to answer the
following questions:
me because they have an issue with
Browsing their Antivirus; they've spent $150 or 1. Do you work on a no-fix/no-pay
basis? If they don't guarantee their
more, and they haven't successfully
work, do not allow them access to
installed the product on their com-
ONLINE puter, much less made any use of it. the system to begin.
This is because the anti-virus industry 2. Do you guarantee your work? If
on your computer – or even if that
problems on the computer, don't
By Patrick Moreno does not care if you have protection they don't guarantee to fix all of the
antivirus program is working proper- allow them access.
ly. Quite the contrary, they give you 3. When do I get my computer back?
a “Key” that is supposed to activate DO NOT EVER DROP OFF YOUR
your antivirus note. What they don't COMPUTER WITH A TECHNI-
tell you is that if you install an anti- CIAN!!! You have personal infor-
S OF 2015 ALMOST HALF OF virus on top of an already infected mation on the computer and, unless
Aour population, approximately computer, you are compounding the you are prepared to give them your
3.2 billion people, browse online. problem. Therefore, it is absolutely purse and wallet and the keys to
This entails research, online banking, necessary to ensure your computer is your car, your Social Security Num-
shopping, social media, as well as cleaned of malware and viruses before ber, etc., etc., etc., then don't leave
email communications. With half of installing any sort of antivirus or mal- them the computer. You should
our World Population online, hackers ware protection. work with a reputable company
are preying on consumers and strate- The biggest Antivirus misconcep- and, if possible, watch the work
gically placing pop-ups and programs tion: “An antivirus will protect me they do to ensure you are getting
(referred to as PUP's [Potentially Un- against malware.” quality work. If they just go in and
wanted Programs]). When we click on This is incorrect. An Antivirus change a couple of settings, they
ads that we believe to be informative protects you against "viruses." People could be scamming you. Further,
or even a link that alleges it contains are amazed when I tell them this; you should get your computer back
a story that piques our interest, we however, viruses are short of being the same day (in most cases) or, at
frequently find ourselves at the liberty obsolete. Malware is preferred by the latest, the next day. Depending
of malware that hijacks our settings the hacking community because it is on the condition of your system,
on our browser, and now we are at the cheap and efficient. there may be an occasion when the
hackers. Many people believe that they can corrective action requires more
There are numerous methods that merely run an antivirus, malware, or than 8 hours of work by the most
can be implemented to prevent the cleaning program and their problems qualified of technicians.
average consumer from downloading will be solved. WRONG! To do the 4. Do you offer ongoing support for
and installing malicious software that job right, you need to have a Certified me? A reputable firm will offer
causes us grief. One of the most ob- Technician who can handle the job; an annual plan that allows you
vious is that we need to pay attention including, but not limited to, compat- unfettered access to a technician.
to the prompts our computer gives ibility issues, networking issues, live In our organization, we offer 24/7
us. If you receive a “pop-up,” notice hacks, rootkits, etc. help with a direct line to a techni-
the name of the publisher asking for In effect, viruses are in the same cian. Hackers don't take breaks or
permission to “make changes” to your family as Malware containing multi- lunches.
computer. If you do not know who or ple tiers. These "tiers" include, but are When in doubt, call someone you
what it is, DO NOT allow it to make not limited to, the following: Adware, trust. After your experience with our
changes. spyware, ransomware, system keys, technical support, we encourage you
The second most common mistake worms, and rootkits. There are so to share it with others you care about.
consumers make is relying on an an- many variations and possible combi- The sooner we can get your personal
tivirus to protect your computer from nations of problems that it is abso- information protected, whether it
everything online. lutely necessary to have the proper be by encryption or cyber security,
An antivirus is exactly what it says. diagnosis before working on a system. the better off and safer you and your
It prevents viruses. However, what When you need help for your com- family will be.