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Making Aging in Place

        do to just have fun. We treat                       POS SIBLE
        the whole person."
           Dr. Reese states that one
        of the main goals is to edu-      HE NEED FOR SENIOR     their own home; the desire   •  24-hour Care
        cate the patient as to the side   Tcare services can come   to live at home as long as   •  Some of the most com-
        effects of prescription medi-  up suddenly or as a result of   possible before moving to   mon activities we assist
        cations, and where appropri-   persistent, declining health.   a care facility. At Visiting   with include:
        ate, to be able to eventually   Regardless of why you now   Angels, our compassionate   •  Diet monitoring includ-
        replace the medication with    require senior care services,   caregivers provide assis-  ing planning for and
        natural substances together    the need for it is somewhat   tance with the activities of   preparing meals
        with life style counseling.    of a shock. In your mind,   daily living that allows ag-  •  Light housekeeping
        Unfortunately, what most       your parents, are the strong,   ing in place possible. With   including help with laun-
        people don’t realize is gener-  reliable leaders of the family.  our at home client care   dry, making beds, and
        ally when a patient is placed   You looked at them in times   services, seniors receive the   vacuuming
        on a single medication down    of need and to share your   one-on-one support they   •  Assistance with shop-
        the line there may be two or   joys. It can be heart wrench-  need to remain indepen-  ping, running errands,
        more new ones needed to        ing to realize they now need   dent and live safely at   and transportation to
        fight off the side effects of   you as much as you need   home.                       doctor’s appointments or
        the original medication.       them.                        How can one of our        activities
           Dr, Reese believes in          When a loved one needs   Angel companions help    •  Assistance with bathing,
        giving back to the com-        home senior care, the mind   your loved one? The options   dressing, grooming, and
                                       spins with questions and
                                                                 are almost unlimited. When
        munity. She currently is       concerns. From understand-  you choose Visiting Angels   •  Reminders to take medi-
        deeply involved with her       ing how to find a caregiver,   for at home senior care, we’ll   cations, drink fluids, and
        local Rotary and offers a      to understanding how a    work with you to create a    eat regularly
        Veteran's Detox program.       caregiver can help, it is nat-  plan for care that addresses   •  Going for walks, engag-
        Dr. Reese also does a weekly   ural to feel overwhelmed by   your loved one’s individ-  ing in favorite activities,
        radio show called Optimal      this new stage of life. Visiting   ual needs. Care is always   and friendly companion-
        Health Hour, on Tuesdays       Angels in southern San    scheduled for the times you   ship
        at 2 pm. It is a live show on   Diego County understands   need it and can be modi-   Our caregivers are
        Voice America, and is also     how difficult this time is and   fied as needed to adjust to   scheduled at your conve-
        offered as a podcast so that   is here to help. We’ve helped   changing needs. The senior   nience. Weekday, weekend,
        it can be listened to anytime.   thousands of families across   care services we provide can   holiday, and overnight visits
        "I interview people from all   the country navigate this   accommodate a wide range   are available as needed.
        over the world, and we have    new terrain and find peace   of needs including:    From hourly visits to 24-
        been fortunate enough to       of mind.                   •  Companion Care        hour care, a Visiting Angels
        have some well-renowned           At home senior care     •  Personal Care         caregiver will be there when
        experts on the show.” You      from Visiting Angels makes   •  Palliative Care     you need them.
        can find out who by visiting   aging in place possible.   •  Post-Hospital Stay Care  Welcoming a caregiver
        Dr. Reese's site at http://lo-  What is aging in place? It is   •  Social Care     into your home and life where you    the desire that most seniors   •  Dementia and Alzhei-  can be difficult. At Visiting
        can also access The Optimal    have to continue living in   mer’s Care             Angels, we try to make this
        Health Hour to listen live or                                                      transition as easy as possi-
        on demand.                                                                         ble for you and your loved
           Lotus Rain Naturopathic                                                         one. Our initial assessment
        Clinic just recently expand-                                                       includes a complimentary
        ed and more healing pro-                                                           home safety and falls assess-
        fessionals are now available                                                       ment. When you choose
        on site. If you would like to                                                      at home senior care from
        make an appointment or                                                             Visiting Angels, you will find
        find out more information                                                          a partner who can answer
        contact (619) 239 - LIFE                                                           questions, and help you find
        (5433)                                                                             peace of mind.
                                                                                                       Visiting Angels
                                                                                                       (619) 401-2040

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