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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

          F YOU ARE AT ALL                                                                integral part of the weight
        Ilike me, the mention of IV                                                       loss protocol we offer. We
        brings images of hospitals                                                        also provide sports IVs to
        with sick patients too ill to                                                     athletes including triath-
        receive proper nourishment                                                        letes, bicyclists, the Olympic
        on their own. You think of                                                        Club and many more, with
        those patients who need                                                           Children benefiting greatly
        quick doses of antibiotic                                                         too.” These IVs enhance
        to cure a possibly deadly                                                         performance and endur-
        disease. Not many of us                                                           ance and shorten recovery
        consider the many other                                                           time. This is accomplished
        positive uses for IVs. At                                                         with the infusion of amino
        least I didn’t until I had the                                                    acids to benefit the adre-
        pleasure of sitting down and                                                      nal glands, and minerals
        talking with Dr. Kristine   Dr. Kristine Reese                                    to avoid cramping, along
        Reese, Naturopathic Doctor                                                        with whatever else might be
        and Medical Director of                                                           indicated, depending on the
        Lotus Rain Naturopathic                                                           patient and their sport.
        Clinic.                              Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions         The protocol for a
           Dr. Reese started admin-                                                       runner participating in a big
        istering IVs as a treatment   soluble ones like vitamin   I found out that we have   race would be two infu-
        for various ailments back   D, K or E. These nutrients   a barrier that protects our   sions per week in the weeks
        in medical school. “It was a   include all the B's, minerals,   brain from a lot of medica-  leading up to the race, and
        couple of decades ago when   vitamin C, and amino acids.  tions we take like anti-mi-  in the week after that for
        I was first introduced to the   By doing so, we can rebuild   crobial or anti-inflammatory  recovery. When an IV is put
        great benefits that could be   the adrenal glands, and   medication to assure that   into your system the average
        derived from IV treatments.   bypass digestion which gets   they don't pass the barrier   time it remains in your body
        I did a lot of my integrative   us immediate results. We   and do damage. When the   is 48-72 hours, with the peak
        oncology training in Canada  also do hydrogen peroxide,   natural ingredients con-  being at 24-48 hours. There-
        and Europe, so these treat-  which is anti-microbial, so   tained in the IV cross the   fore, runners time their
        ments were commonly being  it hits candida, staph, strep,   blood-brain barrier, only   treatments to best optimize
        done outside of this country   plus it alkalizes the whole   beneficial effects occur lead-  it for the race day.
        for quite some time.”      system and enhances our    ing to clearing out of mucus   Although this treatment
           Dr. Reese had me very   overall health. It crosses   and relieving pressure and   may be unfamiliar to many
        interested when I heard that   the blood-brain barrier, so   congestion.          of us, sports IVs have been
        they were supporting cancer   it creates clearer thinking,   Dr. Reese also men-  utilized by athletes for a long
        patients with IVs. Dr. Reese   less congestion and pres-  tioned that another great   time. It was locally started
        added, "I have had many pa-  sure on the sinuses, and can   goal of IV infusions is to   with the actors and actresses
        tients come to me who were   help decrease tinnitus. I've   bypass digestion altogeth-  in Hollywood who spoke
        told there was nothing else   had people reverse years   er, which is a wonderful   highly of the benefits.
        that could be done for them.  of polyp growth due to   thing. The nutrients then     As Dr. Reese adds
        That it was time for them to   overproduction of mucus   go straight into the blood   “Many people might not be
        get their affairs in order, as   and overgrowth of candida.   stream and into cells. We   aware of the many benefits
        they would probably have   These patients previously   tend to lose many of the   of IV infusions. One of the
        only a few more months to   had surgery but the polyps   nutrients going through our   infusions offered at Lotus-
        live. One of these patients I   regrew. The IV treatments   digestive system even if we   Rain is the immune IV. Due
        have now been supporting   helped shrink the polyps   are taking the highest quali-  to increasing resistance to
        for 10 years."             and prevent their regrowth.  ty supplements.           antibiotics, upper respira-
           With this amazing fact,     I probed a little deeper   So what types of mala-  tory infections are more
        I had to ask what is it that   to gather an understanding   dies can IV treatments help?  aggressive and tenacious and
        IV treatments do that other   of why IVs work when oral   Dr. Reese explained: “We   lead to residual coughs last-
        treatments can’t accomplish.  supplements sometimes will   use IV infusions for many   ing for months. Following
        Dr. Reese explains, “With   not. Dr. Reese explained that  different ailments, as well   an immune IV, the cough
        IVs we can put all nutrients   IVs cross ‘the blood-brain   as preventative treatments.   typically resolves within
        in the body except for fat   barrier.'                In addition IVs are an      forty-eight hours.

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