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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

           Another major use of    people that will help or even  part of the package togeth-  ing and to understanding
        IVs is for Detox purposes.   go through it with them or   er with B12 injections. We   how nutrients are absorbed.”
        “We take people off of all   be on the phone with them.   tier it out based on what   When discussing healthy
        kinds of medications and   Then go through the house   the budget is, and then we   eating with Dr. Reese and
        street drugs through this   and clean out all the junk   strategize on what is real-  what changes we can make
        detox process. I am current-  food. We come home from   istic. For example, if you   to improve our overall
        ly working with a patient to   work, and we're tired, and   are going to fast it is best   health, Dr. Reese suggests, "I
        get him off of meth. He is   it's easy to go for that junk                        put my patients on a keto-
        two weeks in and doing fan-  food and making those                                genic anti-inflammatory diet
        tastic. The IV eliminates all   salads seems so hard. And                         which emphasizes the good
        of the nausea, shaking, and   the next step is to set up                          fats, like avocado, white
        basically all the symptoms   appointments for massages,                           fish, and coconut oil. It is
        of withdrawal, making it an   acupuncture and facials be-                         a whole food diet without
        easier process for someone   cause if you are taking away                         any of the processed foods
        to quit whatever drugs to   all these things you have to   to head into a weekend so   and we also advise avoiding
        which they are addicted.”  give yourself back some-   by Saturday, when you are   dairy products. Our society
           This treatment is also   thing to replace them.    feeling shaky and don't want  is fat phobic, but we need
        useful in treating Alcohol-    So those are the prepa-  to do anything, you can just   beneficial fats - it is fat that
        ics. They are given daily IVs,  ratory pieces and then there   relax.             makes every one of our hor-
        and the Lotus Rain protocol   are options like what we call   With all of the success   mones. So, if we lose our fats
        requires that they are also   the master cleanse, which is   Dr. Reese has had in this   we have lost our hormone
        in a support group, so they   a lemonade and maple syr-  area, I had to ask why more   balance, which includes
        have a plan. Approaching   up fast which puts us into   doctors don't rely on this   our happy hormones like
        it this way results in the                                                        serotonin.”
        greatest likelihood that they                                                        The doctors at Lotus
        will attain sobriety. It works                                                    Rain Naturopathic Clinic
        so well because it has been                                                       don't believe in popping
        found that people who have                                                        pills for every ailment. They
        addictive situations are not                                                      give each patient a 45-min-
        absorbing their nutrients.                                                        ute appointment so they
        The IV gives them the                                                             can get to know them and
        nutrition they are missing                                                        understand their problems
        and they immediately start                                                        and work together to put a
        to feel better, and they can                                                      plan in place. "We are honest
        then take care of themselves                                                      and tell them upfront that
        and become more motivat-                                                          this is going to be a lifestyle
        ed. Over the years Dr. Reese                                                      change, and it won't be easy
        has worked at treatment                                                           at first. It will probably be
        facilities providing this ser-                                                    a drastic change. There is
        vice to recovering addicts.                                                       nothing off limits. We talk
           One of Dr. Reese’s most                                                        about sleep and what they
        popular programs are her                                                          are eating. We discuss how
        weight loss programs. “So                                                         they are urinating, and what
        what we have is called the                                                        kind of bowel movements
        Cadillac version and the                                                          they are having. These are all
        Simple and Easy. When                                                             things that don’t get dis-
        people are really serious   ketosis which is wonderful.   treatment to help their   cussed in a typical 10-min-
        about it we put them on    We then follow that with   patients. "I think if they had   ute doctor’s appointment.
        a 6-week program and it    only a protein shake for a   the knowledge, they would   Since we spend more time
        begins by letting your family  week. If the pure fast is too   willingly share it. Tradition-  with them, we delve deeply
        and friends know that this   hard, they can add salads   al medical schools do not   into their lives, including
        is what your goal is, this   and vegetables.          offer training in this, where-  their spiritual side as well
        is what and how you are        We also incorporate    as naturopathic medical     as what gives them joy and
        going to do it. Participants   hydrogen peroxide IVs and   schools devote many hours   laughter and what they are
        are advised to get some key   infrared saunas, which are a   to nutritional infusion train-  grateful for and what they

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