Page 37 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
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Fabulous Finds


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        you need a sewing machine or fastener   even be used in the oven up to 500   spores, and bacteria, was obviously
        that will leave any permanent marks on   degrees. If you are looking for a product   based on truth. Over the years, I had
        your beautiful clothing. These American   that you will be the center of your kitch-  found that these were the elements that
        made magnets are designed to hold   en and one that you will not want to be   were responsible for my severe allergy
        several layers of your favorite fabric   without once you try it. Buy one today   symptoms.
        together allowing you to do amazingly   Visit for more   If you are an allergy sufferer, you
        creative things with scarves, shawls, and   information.                 need to purchase this air purifier. You will
        sarongs that will bring out the fashion                                  be amazed at the difference it will make
        designer in all of us. Visit their site at   5.  Honeywell True HEPA Air   in your life. Visit www.honeywellplugge- and order a set of    Purifier                for more information.
        Maggies, you won’t know how you lived
        without them. Visit https://www.mymag-  Many of us suffer from allergies, and   6.  THE WORLD’S FIRST for more information.     after a while, you just get used to living   BREATHABLE SILICONE ACTIVE
                                            with the symptoms. I did not realize how   RING
        4.  Hex Clad Hybrid Cookware        much better life could be until I brought
                                            the Honeywell True HEPA Air Purifier into   Do you love letting the world know
           We had the pleasure of testing the   my home. I had read the claims of other   that you are happily married, but have a
        new product suite introduced by Hex-  units in the past and had even gone as   job or have an active lifestyle making it
        clad,a leader in innovative cookware,   far as purchasing them, and systemati-  impossible to keep your wedding band
        and if I said we were impressed it would   cally returning them, since they did not   on all the time? The solution is easy now.
        be a huge understatement. This is one   do as promised. The day I turned on the   The Groove Ring is a Liquid injected
        time that I believe that the promises   Honeywell, I did not quite believe the   Silicone band that fits snugly on your
        made of the product were not only met,   results. I could breathe again, and all   hand, but is breathable so it won’t snag
        but well exceeded. The non-stick surface   allergy symptoms seemed to systemati-  on objects you come in contact with or
        remained non-stick through some of the   cally disappear.                become uncomfortably warm regardless
        toughest tests, the even cooking surface   It was refreshing that the promise   of the time of year. It comes in a wide
        ensured that all dishes were evenly   from their advertising that Honeywell   variety of colors including classics like
        cooked and the cleanup was so quick   was recommended by 9 out of 10     Midnight Black, Moss Green, Lilac Purple,
        and easy that despite the fact that it is   allergists because it was affordable and   and Storm Grey or new hues including
        dishwasher safe, I never felt the need to   effective was not an exaggeration. The   Snow, Glacier Blue, Blaze, and Raspberry
        put it into the dishwasher. It wiped clean   fact that they claimed that the Honey-  Red. Get one today and never worry
        so easily.                          well True HEPA air purifier captured up to  again about damaging, losing or snag-
           This new patented surface of tri-ply   99.97% of microscopic airborne particles   ging your ring again, because these rings
        stainless steel will allow faster heating,   (0.3 microns and larger) from the air   have a lifetime warranty. Give them try,
        greater heat retention and lower energy   that passes through the filters, including   you will never take it off. Visit their site at:
        use. It has a stay cool handle and can   pollens, dust, smoke, pet dander, mold

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