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P. 34

Oh Baby!

                                                              Abiie Beyond Junior Y

                                                                 The chair that grows with   in less than 20 seconds. It has
        Waterpura Chemical-Free Natural Baby Wipes            your child                 an adjustment for 5 point or
                                                                 When a company creates   3-point harness to secure your
           Our Mom’s group had the  moms had no fear as to their   a product that is meant to   child. A one hand removable
        pleasure of testing the Wa-  babies being allergic and   grow with your child from six-  tray cover which is dishwasher
        terpura baby wipes and per-  felt as comfortable using   months into adulthood you   safe and cushions that are wa-
        haps the best findings of all   Waterpura on their little fac-  know how certain they must   terproof and will stay dry with
        was that nothing happened.  es as they did on their baby   be of the quality of their prod- a quick wipe. This seat meets
        Yes, in the case of newborns   bottoms. If your child has   uct. If any piece of furniture   and complies with ASTM F404
        and new moms it is always   sensitive skin this is the wipe   can survive an active infant,   & HR 4040 standards and con-
        best when there is nothing   for you, Actually, even if he   toddler and then even a teen,   tains No harmful substances,
        to have to call the doctor   doesn’t why introduce him   you know it must be durable   such as BPA, Phthalate, PVC.
        up at two am to report. No   to the harsh world of chem-  and well made. Our Moms ap-  If you are looking for an
        strange rashes or irritations.   icals before you have to. Buy   plauded Abiie Beyond Junior   item that will grow with your
        The Waterpura wipes are   Waterpura Wipes today. Go   Y for taking the needs of their  child and do not want to go
        completely chemical-free,   to https://waterpuracare.  customers into account when  out and buy several versions
        soft and strong. 99.9% Water  com/ for more information   creating a product. This prod-  of the same item, pick up an
        & 0.1% Citrus Extract. Our   and to find a store near you.  uct starts out as a high chair   Abiie Beyond Junior Y. Go to
                                                              for a six month old that can for
                                                              be quickly adjusted as needed  more information.

        Diono radian® rXT car seat

           We had the opportunity   energy absorbing EPS foam   120 pounds. There is a machine  spills can be washed away.
        to test the radian® rXT car seat   and a reinforced adjustable   washable cover, so those   One of the coolest elements
        and I must say our Moms were   head support it promises to   sticky hands or unexpected   of this car seat is its unique
        extremely impressed with the   keep your little one protected                    SuperLATCH™ system, which
        lengths to which this company  and comfortable.The radian®                       provides both an audible and
        went to be certain their end   rXT keeps children comfortably                    visual assurance that the seat is
        result was the safest car seat   rear-facing from 5-45 pounds                    properly locked in place. If you
        possible. Not only is it safe, but  for the safest possible position.            are looking for the ultimate car
        it is a single purchase car seat   Premium, plush head and body                  seat and plan to never have
        that can grow with your child.   support cushions are included                   to buy a second seat because
        It is the only car seat your child  for newborns and infants.The                 your baby outgrows the first
        will need from birth to 120 lbs.   greatest part is that its use-                one, this is the car seat for you.
        This is a company that knows   fulness does not stop there. It                   It also comes with a ten year
        what parents want and with   accommodates forward-facing                         warranty to give you added
        premium, innovative features   children up to 80 pounds in a                     peace of mind.  Go to https://
        like a steel alloy frame, alu-  5-point harness and converts           
        minum reinforced sidewalls,   to booster mode for kids 50-                       an-rxt/ for more information.

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