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Our 10th Anniversary Women of Distinction

                                      CHI CEXECS

                                       Kailynn Bowling

                                     &    Nikki Carlson

                                             Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

          T WAS A CHANCE INTRODUC-              After that initial phone call from   towards fashion but function as well.
        Ition through friends that brought   Nikki, they were both so excited about   In less than six months, thanks to their
        powerhouse entrepreneurs, Kailynn   their new endeavor except for one    background in marketing and adver-
        Bowling and Nikki Carlson, together.   small problem…they had no idea what  tising, they received requests from
        Kailynn had started a lucrative busi-  this new business would be. The final   over 50 magazines. This wasn't all; the
        ness buying items wholesale and sell-  decision was that they would start an   purchase orders started rolling in with
        ing them on eBay. Her method of trav-  online magazine and would position   requests for their hot new product,
        eling down to Los Angeles to secure   themselves as the "Modern Day Mar-  Chic Buds, from major retailers such
        inventory for her business was of great   tha Stewart." "Our Magazine Chic Blvd   as Best Buy, Neiman Marcus, Nord-
        interest to one of her friends who had   was created before the advent of social   stroms, Lord and Taylors, Bed Bath
        brought a girlfriend along with her on   media, but we used it similarly" shared   and Beyond, Target, and Barnes and
        this fact finding mission. The friend   Nikki, " We would send out marketing   Noble. The reality was that Kailynn and
        turned out to be Nikki Carlson, and   emails to women, and they would go to  Nikki were on the pulse of what these
        this would start more than a decade   the suggested website review products   electronic retailers wanted to know and
        long friendship and business partner-  and services found on the sites and   that was "How do we reach the wom-
        ship between Kailynn and Nikki. "I   share with us what their thoughts were.  en's market in electronics?"
        was in the mortgage industry at the   We would get 300 or more emails with   After receiving a $150,000 pur-
        time," explains Kailynn, "but I knew it   each mailing and women would share   chase order from Mary Kay, the
        was not what I wanted to do as a ca-  not only their responses to the product,  women decided that they desperately
        reer." Nikki had spent the last ten years  and suggestions for improvements,   needed to learn about manufacturing
        working in marketing and advertising,   but they often shared their life stories   so they could cost-effectively, design
        but she too felt the need to branch   with us. We never let one of these   and patent their products.
        out and do something different and   emails go unanswered." This opinion    In 2006 they ventured to China to
        exciting. After a subsequent foray to   portion of their magazine soon evolved  examine their options, a brave move
        LA, an email arrived at Kailynn’s desk   to include a request from readers for   for two pretty young blond wom-
        asking very succinctly "Do you want   their suggestions as to what products   en from California. The trip was a
        to go into business together?" 13 years   they liked or didn't like. At about the   success, they learned a lot, and their
        later they are not only working in their  same time the iPod was growing in   business continued to grow. They had
        own thriving business, but currently   popularity, but with one problem that   no competition at this point. Nikki
        have over 200 beginning entrepre-   Nikki and Kailynn quickly noticed, all   shared, "We came in from the perspec-
        neurs who they are directly responsi-  of the accessories for this trendy new   tive of producing a product that we
        ble for launching their way to business   item were geared to male consumers   loved and needed because we felt if we
        ownership success. In addition, they   and women were not being recognized   loved it, so would other women. We
        represent successful brands who have   as significant consumers. Armed with   also went out of our way to make our
        already gained success on their own   plain ear buds, glue guns, and a variety   earbud packaging very pretty and ele-
        and rely on Chic Execs to either move   of crystals, Kailynn and Nikki worked   gant, so that you could give this special
        them to the next level or help keep   in their living rooms creating electron-  item as a gift and it would make the
        them at the top of the market.      ic accessories that were not only geared  woman receiving it feel special. We

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