Page 28 - Final 10th Anniversary PDF For Printer
P. 28

ALWAYS CONSIDERED        one day your Peter and the   birth. And gender identity   boy or girl, came to them
        I myself pretty cosmo-     next day you are Paulina. As  is how a person establishes   and said, Mom, I think God
        politan and somewhat       a caveat to my experience   through how they dress,    made a mistake, I feel like a
        educated when it comes     in Thailand, I can also attest   hairstyles, voice etc.  girl, but I’m a boy. This par-
        to most things. I thought   to the fact that these young   There is no single reason  ticular mother never noticed
        I knew what transgender    men were called “girlie     why some people are trans-  anything that indicated her
        was WRONG; I just knew     boys” and they were gor-    gender. Experts believe a bi-  child was struggling with
        the tip of the iceberg. After   geous. I don’t mean beauti-  ological factor is at play and   the gender assigned at birth.
        researching the subject, I   ful or nice looking, I mean   prenatal hormone levels or   When her child, now in
        hope to share and enlighten   knock out breath takingly   early experiences later in life   high school, announced this
        you so you will have a better   gorgeous.              contribute to this behavior.   fact, the very first thought
        appreciation of the term                                                          that came into her mind was
        Transgender.                                                                      ‘what did I do wrong?’
           On April 14 2014, The                                                             This Mom, was a very
        Supreme Court of India                                                            active member of her
        recognized the transgender                                                        church. She had known
        community as a third gen-                                                         these fellow parishioners for
        der, which led human rights                                                       years, yet when she shared
        groups to ensure their equal                                                      her child’s announcement,
        rights and equal treatment.                                                       she and her family was
        Some say that India leads                                                         shunned. She had always
        the way for the LGBT com-                                                         considered her church
        munity in many ways. India,                                                       members to be part of her
        Indonesia and Thailand, all                                                       family, and was shocked
        seem to be more accepting                                                         at how judgmental these
        of this community. I per-                                                         ‘Christians’ really were. She
        sonally can attest to this fact                                                   struggled with trying to ex-
        as in 2007 and 2008, I was                                                        plain to her child the actions
        teaching English as a second                                                      of her extended family.
        language in Thailand.                                                                The family moved to
           I can remember on a                                                            another state, because Dad
        number of occasions when                                                          got a promotion. This Mom
        Peter was seating in the first                                                    sought out what she hoped
        seat on the third row right    MOM, I THINK                                       would be her safe place, an-
        on a Monday, and Paulina                                                          other church; same religious
        would take his place on                                                           sect. After what she felt
        Wednesday. No one seemed   God made a mistake                                     was enough time and had
        to think it was odd; except                                                       bonded with this church,
        me. In the two years I taught                                                     the family was shunned
        there, I would say this was               By Carol Heath                          once she shared with them
        a weekly practice. Once                                                           her child’s struggling gender
        Peter became Paulina, she      Transgender is often    Sex is something assigned at   identity.
        never went back to Peter.   used as an umbrella term for  birth, while gender refers to   A third family move
        My Teaching Assistant      people whose gender iden-   what society considers ap-  ended up with the same re-
        explained that many boys   tity doesn’t conform with   propriate behavior for boys,   sults. Now this Mom began
        would wait until they were   the sex which they were   girls, men and woman. I    to question her reason for
        13 to change their appear-  assigned at birth. Gender   hope this information helps   living as she put it. She had
        ance, as a sort of coming of   identity refers to a person’s   you understand a little about  devoted her whole life to her
        age ceremony if you will.  gut feeling about being     the transgender community.  husband and children. She
            Hey, Jews have Bar/    male, female, or something     I interviewed a trans-  identified herself as a moth-
        Bat Mitzvah, Mexican girls   else. Gender expression is   gender parent recently and   er first. She never worked
        have a Quinceanera, Native   the way a person commu-   was mostly interested in   at a job that took her away
        Americans have Vision      nicates how they feel about   finding out how a parent   from her home. She drove
        Quests, and Thailand have   their sexuality assigned at   would feel if their child,   to all the school activities

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