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Our 10th Anniversary Special Feature

        much better chance of surviving can-
        cer. It isn’t always easy because most
        cancer’s early warning signs can easily
        be ignored or misdiagnosed for a more
        benign problem which can often waste
        precious time.”
           Another huge part of the Cancer
        Schmancer campaign is doing what
        ever we can to detox our homes. “The
        home is often the most toxic place
        we can be in, and we spend the most
        time in this environment, which is
        often more toxic than living across the
        street from an oil refinery. Kids today,
        for the first time in US history are
        not predicted to live longer than their
        parents. Babies are born pre-polluted
        with 200-300 chemicals found in the
        umbilical cord, and we want to turn
        this situation around so as to not make
        that prediction a self-fulfilling prophe-
        cy. We want to educate families, as well
        as teens, about what they are putting
        in their mouth, on their skin, and in
        their living environment. Once you

           Catch it on arrival
           95% survival

        begin to see the level of toxins you are
        surrounding yourself with, just in your
        daily lifestyle, you can better equate
        how compromised your immune
        system becomes and how that is the
        biggest component for why we are
        experiencing disease.”
           Although, Fran has been actively
        working as an actress with two addi-
        tional sitcoms, which followed “The
        Nanny,” and a number of movies, she
        has also taken on numerous respon-  would hold such a serious and life   speak about what I am most passion-
        sibilities to help educate and inform   changing position as she currently   ate about. Health advocacy, ecology,
        women. Fran Drescher is currently a   does. “I never realized it would be   and civil liberties.”
        US State Department public diploma-  this active or involved or effective on   Thank you, Fran Drescher for the
        cy envoy for Women’s health issues   the general public, but I feel like, I got   many lives you have saved by helping
        and has championed the passage of   famous, I got cancer and I lived to talk   to provide early cancer detection for
        laws such as Joanna’s Law.          about it, so I am talking. I am also an   women and teaching women to slow
           Looking back at the trajectory of   actress, writer, producer, and direc-  down, take a breath and be aware of
        Fran’s career in show business Fran   tor. I like to keep active and current   their surroundings, their health and
        would never have expected that she   in these areas, so I have a platform to   their lives.

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